Sunday, November 28, 2004

CIA REFORM ??????????????????

Make it appear that the White House favors reform of the CIA

The President and the Speaker of the House both said they favored enactment
of the proposed legislation, but many experienced observers thought it was
all Grand Kabuki by the Republican Party, intended to make it appear that
the White House favored reform while ensuring that reform did not actually

On November 20, 2004, right-wing members of the House of Representatives
scuttled the major recommendation of the 9/11 Commission -- namely, to
provide the leader of the American intelligence community with greater
authority to direct and coordinate the analyses of all 15 intelligence
agencies. Reflecting the Pentagon's interests in maintaining control over
80% of the $40 billion annual intelligence budget, Duncan Hunter (R-CA),
Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and an ally of Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld, withdrew his support. Other Republican congressmen
joined him, demanding that the bill go even further than was already the
case in harassing so-called illegal immigrants, primarily from Mexico.

The agency was created in 1947 on the orders of President Truman for the
sole purpose of collecting, evaluating, and coordinating -- through
espionage and from the public record -- information related to the national
security of the United States.

The National Security Act of 1947 placed the CIA under the explicit
direction of the National Security Council (NSC), the president's chief
staff unit for making decisions about war and peace, and gave it five
functions. Four of them concern the collection, coordination, and
dissemination of intelligence. It is the fifth -- which allows the CIA to
"perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting
the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time
direct" -- that has turned the CIA into a personal, secret, unaccountable
army any president can order into battle without first having to ask
Congress to declare war, as the Constitution requires.

Clandestine operations, although nowhere mentioned in the CIA's enabling
statutes, quickly became the Agency's main activity and as one of its most
impartial Congressional analysts, Loch K. Johnson, has put the matter, "The
covert action shop had become a place for rapid promotion within the
agency."[6] The Directorate of Operations (DO) soon absorbed two-thirds of
the CIA's budget and personnel

Meanwhile, CIA covert operations subverted domestic journalism, planted
false information in foreign newspapers, and covertly fed large amounts of
money to members of the Christian Democratic Party in Italy, to King Hussein
of Jordan, and to clients in Greece, West Germany, Egypt, Sudan, Suriname,
Mauritius, the Philippines, Iran, Ecuador, and Chile. Clandestine agents
devoted themselves to such tasks as depressing the global prices of
agricultural products in order to damage uncooperative Third World
countries, and sponsoring guerrilla wars or miscellaneous insurgencies in
places as diverse as the Ukraine, Poland, Albania, Hungary, Indonesia,
China, Tibet, Oman, Malaysia, Iraq, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, North
Korea, Bolivia, Thailand, Haiti, Guatemala, Cuba, Greece, Turkey, Vietnam,
Afghanistan, Angola, and Nicaragua, to name only a few of those on the
public record. All this was justified by the Cold War, and no one beyond a
very small group inside the government knew anything about it. The Central
Intelligence Act of 1949 modified the National Security Act of 1947 with a
series of amendments that, in the words of that pioneer scholar of the CIA
Harry Howe Ransom, "were introduced to permit [the CIA] a secrecy so
absolute that accountability might be impossible."[7]

The CIA's power to provide such unrequested information to a president
constitutes a potential restraint on his freedom of action and may on
occasion totally derail his policies, particularly since such intelligence
is very rarely certain or unambiguous. Over the years the powers of the DCI
to compel a president to read an intelligence estimate have been
systematically diluted...

Such revelations have usually taken one of two forms. In the first instance,
the president, it is argued, has been shielded from or has refused to read
accurate intelligence. In the second instance, the president is accused of
secretly ordering the suppression of intelligence or of fabricating
intelligence to support his preferred policies. President Bush has engaged
in both forms of dishonesty, but he is certainly not the first president to
do so. The examples are legion.

CIA History:

In 1961, at the time of the invasion of the Bay of Pigs, Richard Bissell,
then head of the Directorate of Operations, gained the ear of President
Kennedy and assured him that elated Cubans would welcome American-supported
insurgents, strew rose petals in their path, and help overthrow the Castro
government. Bissell simply did not show Kennedy the estimates that said
Castro had extensive popular support and the invasion would fail.

(1960s) Gen Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, believed that
the Bay of Pigs Invasion would fail(based on his military assessment of the
invasion force and the Cuban defense forces), but withheld his judgement
from President Kennedy. (Source: Body of Secrets, p. 82)
The CIA knew in advance that the date of the invasion had been leaked to the
Russians, who had in turn relayed that information to Castro. In spite of
this information, the head of the CIA, Allen Dulles, ordered the Bay of Pigs
Operation forward. The CIA's intention was for Kennedy to send in jets to
bomb Cuba and for the Marines to join the (US trained and equipped Cuban
"freedom fighters") brigade already on land. If this had happened the
survivors would have been placed in a Cuban prison, which would have created
an uproar by the American public and forced Kennedy to order a full-scale
invasion. High-ranking officials within the CIA spread the myth that Kennedy
was responsible for the failure of the invasion. Many Cubans continue to
hold this belief when, in truth, the betrayal lies with Allen Dulles and the
CIA. (Source: Crime So Immense, Texas Observer, May 26, 2000

Similarly, in May 1970, as President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger
plotted their "incursion" into Cambodia, the Board of National Estimates
(BNE) concluded that "an American invasion of Cambodia would fail to deter
North Vietnamese continuation of the war." DCI Helms failed to deliver this
estimate to the White House, knowing what the BNE did not -- that the
decision to invade had already been made. Former DCI Robert M. Gates
generalizes: "It has been my experience over the years that the usual
response of a policymaker to intelligence with which he disagrees or which
he finds unpalatable is to ignore it."

Examples of the distortion or fabrication of intelligence are rarer, but
they do occur. During the Vietnam War, Gen. William Westmoreland, U.S.
military commander from 1964 to 1968, omitted from his estimate of enemy
forces all Communist guerrillas and informal local defense forces -- perhaps
as many as 120,000-150,000 fighters -- that another estimate indicated had
been responsible for up to 40% of American losses. His apparent intent was
to make victory in Vietnam look more plausible to the American public. On
March 14, 1967, DCI Helms included Westmoreland's figures in an NIE going to
the White House even though he "knew that the figures on enemy troop
strength in Vietnam provided by military intelligence were wrong -- or, at
any rate, quite different from CIA figures. Yet he signed the estimate
without dissent. The apparent reason, according to his biographer, was that
'he did not want a fight with the military, supported by [National Security
Adviser Walt] Rostow at the White House.'"

Some members of Congress even collaborated with unscrupulous CIA officials
to subvert controls over expenditures and covert operations. When
Congressman Charlie Wilson (D-TX) became chairman of the House's
Intelligence Oversight Committee, he wrote to his friends at the CIA, who
were then secretly enlarging the supply of weapons to the mujahideen in
Afghanistan, "Well, gentlemen, the fox is in the hen house. Do whatever you
like."[19] Similarly, in 1985, the oversight system virtually collapsed when
it was revealed that NSA director Vice Adm. John Poindexter and his aide Lt.
Col. Oliver L. North had secretly collaborated with DCI William Casey to
sell arms to Iran and that no one in Congress had been informed about it in
any way.

When it comes to ignoring accurate CIA intelligence, the preeminent example
in the Bush administration was National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's
indifference to al-Qaeda and her failure to ensure that the president read
and understood the explicit warnings of an imminent surprise attack that the
agency delivered to her. As the Washington Post's Steve Coll has summarized
the matter in his book Ghost Wars, "BIN LADEN DETERMINED TO STRIKE IN U.S.
was the headline on the President's Daily Brief presented to Bush at his
Crawford, Texas, ranch on August 6 [2001]. The report included the
possibility that bin Laden operatives would seek to hijack airplanes. The
hijacking threat, mentioned twice, was one of several possibilities
outlined. There was no specific information about when or where such an
attack might occur."

The number three civilian defense official in the Pentagon, Douglas Feith,
had set up the Office of Special Plans, an operation devoted to going
through all the raw intelligence available to the various spy agencies and
finding items that offered possible evidence of (or hints of evidence of)
links between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. It was this effort to get
around both the CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency, neither of which
had found links or ties between Iraq and 9/11, that eventually led some
officials to break ranks and charge that the war against Iraq was in fact
undercutting the "war on terrorism" -- specifically, Richard A. Clark, the
White House's coordinator for counterterrorism in both the Clinton and Bush
administrations, in his book Against All Enemies: Inside America's War on
Terrorism; and the CIA's Michael Scheuer in Imperial Hubris and in his
letter to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees entitled "How Not to
Catch a Terrorist"

Comment: Now we have the Richard Winter, author of the book, Shadow War
attacking critics ( Michael Scheuer) of the Iraq invasion/war as
"hyper-partisan, conspiracy theorists". He also said the increase in opium
production in Afganhistan is ok because the over-throw of the Taliban is a
greater good. But of course he fails to mention that the Taliban repeatedly
tried to give Osman bin Landen to the US or help kill him. Winter's book
is a disinformation operation. (source: Winter on C-Span)

Read the source, it is long but worth it.

How to Create a WIA - Worthless Intelligence Agency
By Chalmers Johnson

Thoughts for a Holiday Weekend / Reading List Nov 27th & 28th

The radical Right's use of language is no accident.

* Do not call it the Clear Skies initiative. Call it the Dirty Skies

* Do not call it Healthy Forests. Call it No Tree Left Behind.

* Do not call it Compassionate Conservatism. Call it Callous

House GOP Spurns Cooperation

Molly Ivins | A Few Political Developments
Critics Tackle Ohio Vote

Economic 'Armageddon' Predicted
Naomi Klein | Smoking While Iraq Burns

Halliburton 'Loses' Millions in Government Property in Iraq

FOCUS: LA Times | Chipping Away at Roe vs. Wade

FOCUS | Justice Scalia Rejects Separation of Church and State
FOCUS: Senator Robert Byrd | A Thanksgiving Prayer in a Time of War

Jacqueline Keeler | Thanksgiving: A Native American View
Susan Lenfestey | Even for a Liberal, There's Comfort to be Found

James Carroll | America's Heartfelt Holiday

Christopher D. Cook | Thanksgiving's Hidden Costs

Christian Welch | Thoughts on Thanksgiving from Austin

Ralph G. Neas | Fundamental Flaws Put Our Voting System at Risk

Max Castro | Bush Again: Tightening the Noose
Leonard Steinhorn | Scrooge's Nightmare

James A. Nickel | Following the Ukrainian Lead

Sidney Blumenthal | Counterinaugural at the Clinton Library

Patrick Jarreau | Americaniphobic Nervousness

More Voting Questions Raised

John W. Dean | Does Bush Now Have Political Capital to Spend?
Workers Suffer in Sweat Shops to Make Our Toys

Raymond Cushing, AlterNet
The Supreme Court is set to rule on whether the feds have
the right to arrest medical marijuana patients. But will
the justices have all the facts?

-->>NEXT WEEK: Steven Wishnia reports from
Washington on Ashcroft v. Raich.

Jacob Sullum, Reason
By prosecuting William Hurwitz for trusting his patients too
much, the government is criminalizing the sort of mistake
doctors already are so keen to avoid that they routinely
turn away or undertreat patients in pain.

Anthony Gregory, The Independent Institute
The more the government spends on the drug war, the more
violent crime increases. One researcher says eliminating
drug prohibition could reduce the homicide rate by up to 75 percent.

Robert Scheer, AlterNet
In the opium haze that threatens to swallow up Afghanistan's
vaunted rebirth, it is only the illusion of progress -- not progress
-- that is being sold.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Election Irregularities

Election Conspiracy Therories

If this article picques your interest,

go to this group:

"What Vote Fraud?" Bev Harris, the Executive Director of Black Box Voting,
tells us what's been going on since November 2nd


Bush and the Assasination of JFK

Copy and save this to your hard drive:

George Bush's real agenda

Hoover Institute channels neocon demands through Condi Rice.

Dateline: Monday, November 22, 2004

by Donald Gutstein

Ronald Reagan obtained most of his ideas from the big business-backed
Heritage Foundation. Ten days after Reagan's 1980 victory, the
foundation delivered a 3000-page, 20-volume report entitled Mandate
for Leadership to the Reagan transition team - whose ranks included
11 Heritage staff and fellows. The mandate contained 2000
recommendations to serve as "a blueprint for the construction of a
conservative government." Included in the document were ideas like
Star Wars and deep tax cuts for the rich. A year later the foundation
issued a follow-up report which claimed that about 60% of the initial
report's recommendations had been implemented, at least in part.

George W Bush taps a different source of reactionary advice ­ the big
business-backed Hoover Institution for War, Peace and Revolution on
the campus of Stanford University. That's where Bush's national
security adviser and soon-to-be secretary of state Condoleezza Rice
learned that the US had to manufacture a big, bad enemy to scare the
people enough so they would rally to the corporate cause.

Rice went to the Hoover Institution just when Ronald Reagan's "evil
empire," also known as the Soviet Union, was collapsing. As an expert
on Soviet affairs, Rice had to find a new line of work and she helped
fabricate another scary enemy ­ Iraq, a member in good standing of the
Axis of Evil.

Rice's career has consisted of a revolving door between increasingly
powerful posts in succeeding Republican administrations and
propaganda work at the Hoover, where she is subsidized by Tom
Stephenson, a prominent venture capitalist and a Republican "super
ranger," meaning he contributed at least $300,000 to the 2004 Bush

Little is said in media analysis of the Bush victory about the role
of big business in financing an elaborate, well-coordinated
reactionary propaganda machine of think tanks like Heritage and
Hoover, which pushed America far to the right. Business worked for 30
years to win this election and Bush knows exactly what it wants in
return ­ more tax cuts, continued dismantling of publicly-supported
programs like education, health care and pensions, and expanding US
hegemony and business around the globe.

Is it fair to label these think tanks reactionary rather than just
conservative, which is what they call themselves? Sociologist Albert
Hirschman notes that each major advance in civilization - civil
rights in the eighteenth century, political rights in the nineteenth
and social and economic rights in the twentieth - has been followed
by "ideological counterthrusts of extraordinary force" as elites
attempt, with all their power, to hold on to their privilege. Often
these backlashes have led to convulsive social and political
struggles and to setbacks for progressive programs and to much human
suffering and misery.

Business worked for 30 years to win this election and Bush knows
exactly what it wants in return.

In the twentieth century, the New Deal in the United States and
similar social reforms in Canada led to widely held beliefs that
minimal conditions of education, health, economic well-being and
security are rights to be enjoyed by all.

Business went along for the ride during the post-World War II
economic boom but in the '70s decided enough was enough. Rather than
resort to the violent suppression of previous democratic advances,
wealthy businessmen like Adolph Coors and John Olin made common cause
with former liberals and Trotskyites like David Horowitz and Irving
Kristol to launch a war of ideas that would destroy the welfare state
and role back the social gains of the twentieth century (and at the
same time reverse some of the civil and political gains of earlier

The investment paid off handsomely with the victories of Margaret
Thatcher in 1979 and Ronald Reagan in 1980, Newt Gingrich and his
Contract with America in 1994, and now, Bush.

Today, think tanks like the Hoover Institution play a bigger role in
setting Bush's agenda than the legions of faithful who trooped out to
the polls at the command of their pastors.

Hoover specializes in foreign and defense policy. Its $25-million-a-
year budget is funded largely by conservative foundations and big
corporations like ExxonMobil, which has a lot at stake in Bush's Iraq
and mid-East policies. Ford and General Motors are other backers.

Condoleezza Rice was a director of Chevron, another Hoover backer,
and even had a Chevron supertanker named after her (quietly renamed
just before Bush appointed her national security adviser).

What do these corporations receive for their money? Dozens of reports
and studies calling for oil security and American hegemony in the
Middle East, ideas that would be laughed off if proposed directly by
ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco. These studies are widely reported in the
corporate media, ensuring they become part of public discourse.

The corporate backers also get the Hoover people. Besides Rice, there
is Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame, who was a Hoover senior fellow
during the Clinton years. He is George Bush's special assistant for
the Near East. Critics complained he had no credentials for this
important post except his ideology but surely that's the point of the
exercise. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was a Hoover
Institution overseer and eight Hoover fellows including Newt Gingrich
are members of the Bush Administration's Defense Policy Board
advising Rumsfeld.

On the domestic front, the Hoover motto is 'freedom or welfare
state'. Hoover promoted the flat tax for over a decade and helped
pull economic policy to the right. With ExxonMobil such a important
backer, attacking the science of climate change and the Kyoto Accord
is a Hoover mainstay. One Hoover senior fellow is on the ExxonMobil
board and was head of George Bush Senior's Council of Economic
Advisors. Another senior fellow was deputy assistant secretary of the
Treasury under Reagan, and was responsible for Reagan's tax cuts for
the rich. Yet another Hoover senior fellow is George W Bush's
Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.

And on it goes. Dozens of think tanks churn out thousands of studies
and op-ed pieces every year and their senior fellows hold important
posts in the Bush administration. Business and right-wing foundations
pump hundreds of millions of dollars into these enterprises. That's
how the agenda gets set.

Donald Gutstein is a senior lecturer in the School of Communication
at Simon Fraser University. He was co-director of Project Censored
Canada and NewsWatch Canada and is currently working on a book about
corporate propaganda.

Please add your comments on this or any other story in this week's
edition of Straight Goods in the Straight Goods Cyber Forum

Welcome to the Future

Welcome to the Future..................We're glad you made it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the beginning of what will be an ongoing monologue and perhaps even a dialogue if anyone cares to respond. I will be posting at least weekly and perhaps more frequently as events determine. This blog will primarily be a clearing house on information. I feel that only through a free flow of information can we be expected to be able to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner. I will be publishing a weekly reading list with links to various articles that I glean from the internet. Feel free to comment on anything that you read on this blog. I will try and respond as time allows. I am a working carpenter and as such I spend most of the day earning my living. Thanks for checking in and joining in the C.R.A.P..............PEACE..........Scott

P.S.............Firesign Theatre says..............EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!