Saturday, November 27, 2004

Election Irregularities

Election Conspiracy Therories

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"What Vote Fraud?" Bev Harris, the Executive Director of Black Box Voting,
tells us what's been going on since November 2nd


Bush and the Assasination of JFK

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George Bush's real agenda

Hoover Institute channels neocon demands through Condi Rice.

Dateline: Monday, November 22, 2004

by Donald Gutstein

Ronald Reagan obtained most of his ideas from the big business-backed
Heritage Foundation. Ten days after Reagan's 1980 victory, the
foundation delivered a 3000-page, 20-volume report entitled Mandate
for Leadership to the Reagan transition team - whose ranks included
11 Heritage staff and fellows. The mandate contained 2000
recommendations to serve as "a blueprint for the construction of a
conservative government." Included in the document were ideas like
Star Wars and deep tax cuts for the rich. A year later the foundation
issued a follow-up report which claimed that about 60% of the initial
report's recommendations had been implemented, at least in part.

George W Bush taps a different source of reactionary advice ­ the big
business-backed Hoover Institution for War, Peace and Revolution on
the campus of Stanford University. That's where Bush's national
security adviser and soon-to-be secretary of state Condoleezza Rice
learned that the US had to manufacture a big, bad enemy to scare the
people enough so they would rally to the corporate cause.

Rice went to the Hoover Institution just when Ronald Reagan's "evil
empire," also known as the Soviet Union, was collapsing. As an expert
on Soviet affairs, Rice had to find a new line of work and she helped
fabricate another scary enemy ­ Iraq, a member in good standing of the
Axis of Evil.

Rice's career has consisted of a revolving door between increasingly
powerful posts in succeeding Republican administrations and
propaganda work at the Hoover, where she is subsidized by Tom
Stephenson, a prominent venture capitalist and a Republican "super
ranger," meaning he contributed at least $300,000 to the 2004 Bush

Little is said in media analysis of the Bush victory about the role
of big business in financing an elaborate, well-coordinated
reactionary propaganda machine of think tanks like Heritage and
Hoover, which pushed America far to the right. Business worked for 30
years to win this election and Bush knows exactly what it wants in
return ­ more tax cuts, continued dismantling of publicly-supported
programs like education, health care and pensions, and expanding US
hegemony and business around the globe.

Is it fair to label these think tanks reactionary rather than just
conservative, which is what they call themselves? Sociologist Albert
Hirschman notes that each major advance in civilization - civil
rights in the eighteenth century, political rights in the nineteenth
and social and economic rights in the twentieth - has been followed
by "ideological counterthrusts of extraordinary force" as elites
attempt, with all their power, to hold on to their privilege. Often
these backlashes have led to convulsive social and political
struggles and to setbacks for progressive programs and to much human
suffering and misery.

Business worked for 30 years to win this election and Bush knows
exactly what it wants in return.

In the twentieth century, the New Deal in the United States and
similar social reforms in Canada led to widely held beliefs that
minimal conditions of education, health, economic well-being and
security are rights to be enjoyed by all.

Business went along for the ride during the post-World War II
economic boom but in the '70s decided enough was enough. Rather than
resort to the violent suppression of previous democratic advances,
wealthy businessmen like Adolph Coors and John Olin made common cause
with former liberals and Trotskyites like David Horowitz and Irving
Kristol to launch a war of ideas that would destroy the welfare state
and role back the social gains of the twentieth century (and at the
same time reverse some of the civil and political gains of earlier

The investment paid off handsomely with the victories of Margaret
Thatcher in 1979 and Ronald Reagan in 1980, Newt Gingrich and his
Contract with America in 1994, and now, Bush.

Today, think tanks like the Hoover Institution play a bigger role in
setting Bush's agenda than the legions of faithful who trooped out to
the polls at the command of their pastors.

Hoover specializes in foreign and defense policy. Its $25-million-a-
year budget is funded largely by conservative foundations and big
corporations like ExxonMobil, which has a lot at stake in Bush's Iraq
and mid-East policies. Ford and General Motors are other backers.

Condoleezza Rice was a director of Chevron, another Hoover backer,
and even had a Chevron supertanker named after her (quietly renamed
just before Bush appointed her national security adviser).

What do these corporations receive for their money? Dozens of reports
and studies calling for oil security and American hegemony in the
Middle East, ideas that would be laughed off if proposed directly by
ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco. These studies are widely reported in the
corporate media, ensuring they become part of public discourse.

The corporate backers also get the Hoover people. Besides Rice, there
is Elliott Abrams of Iran-Contra fame, who was a Hoover senior fellow
during the Clinton years. He is George Bush's special assistant for
the Near East. Critics complained he had no credentials for this
important post except his ideology but surely that's the point of the
exercise. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was a Hoover
Institution overseer and eight Hoover fellows including Newt Gingrich
are members of the Bush Administration's Defense Policy Board
advising Rumsfeld.

On the domestic front, the Hoover motto is 'freedom or welfare
state'. Hoover promoted the flat tax for over a decade and helped
pull economic policy to the right. With ExxonMobil such a important
backer, attacking the science of climate change and the Kyoto Accord
is a Hoover mainstay. One Hoover senior fellow is on the ExxonMobil
board and was head of George Bush Senior's Council of Economic
Advisors. Another senior fellow was deputy assistant secretary of the
Treasury under Reagan, and was responsible for Reagan's tax cuts for
the rich. Yet another Hoover senior fellow is George W Bush's
Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.

And on it goes. Dozens of think tanks churn out thousands of studies
and op-ed pieces every year and their senior fellows hold important
posts in the Bush administration. Business and right-wing foundations
pump hundreds of millions of dollars into these enterprises. That's
how the agenda gets set.

Donald Gutstein is a senior lecturer in the School of Communication
at Simon Fraser University. He was co-director of Project Censored
Canada and NewsWatch Canada and is currently working on a book about
corporate propaganda.

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