Sunday, September 25, 2005


Brace for More Katrinas, Say Experts
For all its numbing ferocity, Hurricane Katrina will not be a unique event, say
scientists, who say that global warming appears to be pumping up the power of
big Atlantic storms. More and more scientists estimate that global warming,
while not necessarily making hurricanes more frequent or likelier to make
landfall, is making them more vicious.

Economy Creating Fewer Jobs for Women, Younger Workers
The economic recovery is shorting women and young people. A new study by the
Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), "Gender Bias in the Current
Economic Recovery - Declining Employment Rates for Women in the 21st Century,"
compares employment growth at this point in the recovery with its performance in
prior economic recoveries.

'Thousands Dead' in New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina is thought to have killed hundreds, probably thousands of
people in New Orleans, the city's mayor, Ray Nagin said. There will be a total
evacuation of the 50,000 to 100,000 people left in the city. It is estimated
that 15,000 a day can be evacuated. More than 20,000 people are still staying in
the Superdome where sanitary conditions are rapidly deteriorating.

How Katrina Turned Off the Oil
A detailed facility-by-facility report on Gulf Coast refineries and pipelines.
The amount of lost production is enormous. Roughly 1.9 million barrels per day
of refining capacity on the Gulf Coast went off-line, with many plants down
completely and others operating at reduced rates.

Anti-War Band Wins MTV Awards
Green Day, the anti-war rockers, swept the MTV Video Music Awards in a sign that
American popular culture is turning against the US presence in Iraq.

In Katrina's Wake

Deborah Caldwell, Beliefnet
This natural disaster is bringing together a perfect storm
of environmentalist and religious doomsday sayers.

Will Bunch, Attytood
Washington knew exactly what needed to be done to protect
the citizens of New Orleans from disasters like Katrina.
Yet federal funding for Louisiana flood control projects
was diverted to pay for the war in Iraq.

Mark Trumbull, Christian Science Monitor
As it ripples through the economy in coming weeks, the
storm's effects could be big enough to spur wide-ranging
changes to our energy infrastructure.


Bush Asks Not

Speaking to a nation that was in the midst of confronting monumental challenges such as poverty and war, President John F. Kennedy said in his 1961 inaugural address, "My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country ... ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you." Speaking from the Rose Garden to a nation that is simultaneously fighting a war and dealing with perhaps the greatest natural disaster in U.S. history, President George W. Bush failed to issue any such call for sacrifice. The New York Times writes in an editorial, "Sacrifices may be necessary to make sure that all these things happen in an orderly, efficient way. But this administration has never been one to counsel sacrifice."

BUSH COULD SACRIFICE TAX CUTS FOR THE WEALTHY: Marshall Loeb, editor of Money and Fortune magazines, writes, "The President could show that he, too, is prepared to sacrifice for Katrina's victims, perhaps by rolling back some of his planned tax cuts. The nation can ill afford to pay for a war, tax reductions and this disaster recovery at the same time." But Bush has given no indications he will back off his ideological agenda of more tax cuts which primarily benefit the wealthy. Pete Peterson, former secretary of Commerce under Nixon, wrote, "After 9/11, [the administration] faced a choice between tax cuts and getting serious about the extensive measures needed to protect this nation against further terrorist attacks. They chose tax cuts." And again, as the Iraq war commenced, Bush faced a similar choice. But catering to the arguments of conservative ideologues like Tom DeLay, who argued, "Nothing is more important in the face of a war than cutting taxes," Bush again failed to call for sacrifice and instead chose tax cuts. Despite the devastating economic impact of Katrina, conservatives are already positioning themselves for a vote next Tuesday on the next priority item: repealing the estate tax -- a tax paid by the wealthiest one percent of Americans who inherit at least $1.5 million.

BUSH COULD CALL FOR CONSERVATION: The president of American Petroleum Institute, Red Cavaney, said, "The impact of this devastating storm on oil and natural gas operations will be significant and protracted.... Let us understand: This is not an easy thing." His solution? "Right now would be a good time for everybody to sort of ramp up your energy conservation," Cavaney said, even offering energy-saving tips which could help increase fuel efficiency. AAA is also urging motorists to drive less and conserve fuel. President Bush had an opportunity yesterday to publicly elevate the need for energy conservation, but failed to make the call for sacrifice. Bush implored citizens to "understand this storm has disrupted the capacity to make gasoline and distribute gasoline" but offered no suggestions as to how Americans should cope with the crisis. He should take his cue from Gov. Mike Easley of North Carolina, who said recently, "I am asking all North Carolinians to conserve gas."

IF YOU ASK, THEY WILL RESPOND: Shortly after the attacks of 9/11, Sen. John McCain complained, "After 9/11, people wanted to serve and they were told to go shopping or get on an airplane.... That's not the answer they wanted to hear. This is an opportunity to serve." Americans have demonstrated time and again that, in the face of tragedy, they will respond with true compassion. Already, the Red Cross has announced that it has collected $21 million in donations for the victims of Katrina, "a figure comparable to the response for tsunami victims following the devastation in Asia earlier this year." "The outpouring of support has been amazing," said Kara Bunte, a spokeswoman for the Red Cross. "People are now starting to see the images on TV and want to help." Americans also responded with amazing compassion in the two months following 9/11, providing approximately 1.6 million blood donations and contributing over $1.3 million to charities and relief agencies. Americans can and will do more to sacrifice; they simply need a president who will ask.

Questions of Preparedness

Hurricane Katrina will likely be the worst natural disaster in our nation's history. If indeed thousands have perished, as New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin predicted yesterday, it will also be the deadliest natural disaster in the United States in at least a century, since the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. And as one Louisiana paper put it, "No one can say they didn't see it coming." There have been "decades of repeated warnings about a breach of levees or failure of drainage systems that protect New Orleans from the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain." It's "inappropriate to 'blame' anyone for a natural disaster," the Washington Post rightly observes. "But given how frequently the impact of this one was predicted, and given the scale of the economic and human catastrophe that has resulted, it is certainly fair to ask questions about disaster preparations." Below, a few of those questions:

WHERE WERE THE PLANS FOR EMERGENCY DISASTER RELIEF?: The response to Hurricane Katrina "is exposing serious failures by government leaders and crisis planners before Katrina's arrival and flawed execution by relief agencies as the disaster unfolded," the Wall Street Journal reports this morning. Communication failures have been widespread, local officials "found they lacked critical equipment and materials to use in repairs if levees breached," and even "basic emergency management" has been lacking. For instance, former FEMA chief James Lee Witt told reporters yesterday that "in the 1990s, in planning for a New Orleans nightmare scenario, the federal government figured it would pre-deploy nearby ships with pumps to remove water from the below-sea-level city and have hospital ships nearby." Now federal officials say a hospital ship won't leave its port in Baltimore until tomorrow, and isn't expected to arrive for seven days. "These things need to be planned and prepared for; it just doesn't look like it was," Witt said. Other reporters offered a chilling, first-hand perspective: "[A] striking feature of the situation there was the scant presence of civil authority. We did see police controlling some intersections but we saw no military authority and no Red Cross or other health authority. It did not appear that any disaster center had been established by the authorities to communicate with the public. There appeared to be very little, if any, response yet to the enormous challenge of housing, feeding and supporting a devastated population."

WHY WAS GULF COAST DISASTER PREPARATION SUCH A LOW PRIORITY?: The planning failures were not limited to the short-term emergency response. As Louisiana Rep. Bobby Jindal (R), one of three members of Congress whose homes were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, said yesterday: "If we had been investing resources in restoring our coast, it wouldn't have prevented the storm but the barrier islands would have absorbed some of the tidal surge." Unfortunately, the resources were not invested -- either in coastal restoration or the levees -- despite years of pleas. On June 8, 2004, the emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, complained about a lack of funding for the levees, a long stretch of which had sunk by four feet: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us." The money never came through, and last year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers "essentially stopped major work" on the levee system that has now been breached. "It was the first such stoppage in 37 years." Additionally, federal flood control spending for southeastern Louisiana was "chopped from $69 million in 2001 to $36.5 million in 2005," Knight-Ridder reports, even as "federal hurricane protection for the Lake Pontchartrain vicinity in the Army Corps of Engineers' budget dropped from $14.25 million in 2002 to $5.7 million this year." The cuts were strenuously opposed by Louisiana representatives, who "urged Congress earlier this year to dedicate a stream of federal money to Louisiana's coast, only to be opposed by the White House."

WHY WERE FEMA'S PREPAREDNESS MISSIONS DISMANTLED?: "The advent of the Bush administration in January 2001 signaled the beginning of the end for FEMA," one expert writes. In particular, the White House targeted the agency's "mitigation" programs -- "the measures taken in advance to minimize the damage caused by natural disasters" -- which emergency specialists consider "a crucial part of the strategy to save lives and cut recovery costs." Shortly after coming into office, "key federal disaster mitigation programs, developed over many years, [were] slashed and tossed aside." FEMA's Project Impact, "a model mitigation program created by the Clinton administration," was canceled outright by the Bush administration on February 28, 2001 -- ironically, the very same day of the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually earthquake in Washington state, which provided one of the "best examples of the impact the program had" in protecting people. Indeed, FEMA employees were officially "directed not to become involved in disaster preparedness functions, since a new directorate (yet to be established) will have that mission."

WHY WERE INEXPERIENCED POLITICAL APPOINTEES PICKED TO HEAD FEMA?: Since taking office, President Bush "has appointed, in succession, his 2000 campaign manager and an Oklahoma lawyer whose only emergency management experience prior to joining FEMA was as an assistant city manager." According to one emergency expert, these officials "showed little interest in its work or in the missions pursued by the departed [former FEMA chief James Lee Witt]," who led emergency management in Arkansas and "reoriented FEMA from civil defense preparations to a focus on natural disaster preparedness and disaster mitigation." Indeed, Washington Monthly editor Daniel Franklin yesterday noted, "The difficulties of coordination seem to indicate we've returned to the bad old days where the FEMA administrator position is given away on the basis of political favor, rather than hard experience."


SEP 1, 2005
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Nothing is enough to the man for whom enough is too little. - Epicurus


Sam Smith

THE SECOND BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS is already underway: a struggle over
how to respond to the greatest natural disaster of our history. It is
far too early to draw conclusions but soon enough for a few questions:

- What will be the iconographic role of this disaster? Will it - as it
should - eclipse 9/11 as the central moment of contemporary history, or
will it be subtly reduced to second place so the business at hand in
Washington - i.e. whatever war it is conducting - can continue to retain
semiotic hegemony? What is the relative importance of 16 acres in New
York City versus tens of thousands in Louisiana?

- How much will we be willing to pay to restore one of our major cities
and its citizens compared to what we have paid to create a manmade
disaster in Iraq or to end constitutional government in the wake of
9/11? Current estimates of pending special appropriations set the number
at something less than 10% of what we are spending annually in Iraq. If
that how we value ourselves?

- Will the meaning of this disaster, like 9/11, be repeatedly distorted
by various parties of interest in a manner that blasphemes the memory of
its victims and perverts its history?

- What effect will the fact that many of the victims of 9/11 were white
and powerful while many of the victims of New Orleans' disaster were
black and so poor they couldn't get out of town alter the story we come
to tell of the event? Does the mayor's decision to remove police from
search and rescue so they could fight looting suggest a demographic
subtext? Is the marketplace worth more than life itself? In what ways
would the response to this disaster have been different if it its major
victims had been lighter and wealthier? If the stranded had been in Palm
Beach, what would we have done?

- If FEMA put a Category 5 hurricane in New Orleans on the same level as
a terrorist attack in New York City or an earthquake in San Francisco,
why did the White House and the Department of Homeland Security only
show substantial interest in, and fund remedies for, the New York
version of potential catastrophe? Does this qualify as criminal

- If everyone knew that New Orleans was an accident waiting to happen
why were so few precautions taken? As just one example, why were not
residents encouraged to have or provided inflatable rafts and life
jackets in their homes along with the sort of food supplies promoted
following 9/11?

- Why does the government and the media persist in the notion that a
major disaster requires centralized control - if not martial law -
imposed from Washington? It is clear already that the most competent
response to this disaster came at the local and state level and that the
feds weren't even able to provide food, water, shelter and other
logistical supplies in a timely matter. Both common sense and the 10th
Amendment dictate that in a major disaster control should devolve to the
governors, not to some covertly selected cabal in Washington. It is
interesting to note that while FEMA and the Pentagon were still trying
to get their act together, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell called the
governor of Mississippi to say that 2,500 of his National Guard troops
were on their way. In other words, a Democratic and a GOP governor from
vastly different states got matters coordinated even as the
monolithically incompetent Bush regime was still figuring out what to

- What lessons can be learn from the fact that the Coast Guard was the
best organized federal agency - rescuing 2600 people in few days with
only 4,000 personnel? As Jim Ridgeway notes in the Village Voice, "it
was the Coast Guard commander in New York who organized one of the most
extraordinary operations maritime rescues since Dunkirk on 9-11, pulling
together, ferries, tugs, yachts, and all sorts of other boats to
evacuate half a million people from downtown New York." One explanation:
the Coast Guard is highly decentralized (like local fire departments)
with a lot of authority vested at the local level. It also places a high
emphasis on competence, again like fire departments. When you are in a
disaster your best friends are highly qualified rescuers who can make
decisions without waiting for headquarters to tell them what to do.

- Will we finally learn from this experience that we - despite our
invasions and our Ipods - are still part of nature, and must respect and
work with it rather than ignoring and exploiting it? Or will we continue
to view nature as just another problem for FEMA and the Corps of
Engineers to solve?

- Will we finally suppress the pathological arrogance that has gotten us
into such trouble in recent years and try a little well-founded humility
for a change?

- Will it matter? The first Battle of New Orleans was fought several
weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. Maybe this battle will prove
too late as well.


WILL BUNCH, ATTYTOOD - The $750 million Lake Pontchartrain and Vicinity
Hurricane Protection project is another major Corps project, which
remains about 20% incomplete due to lack of funds, said Al Naomi,
project manager. That project consists of building up levees and
protection for pumping stations on the east bank of the Mississippi
River in Orleans, St. Bernard, St. Charles and Jefferson parishes. The
Lake Pontchartrain project is slated to receive $3.9 million in the
president's 2005 budget. Naomi said about $20 million is needed.

"The longer we wait without funding, the more we sink," he said. "I've
got at least six levee construction contracts that need to be done to
raise the levee protection back to where it should be (because of
settling). Right now I owe my contractors about $5 million. And we're
going to have to pay them interest."

On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, told the Times-Picayune: "It appears that
the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland
security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay.
Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are
doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue
for us.". . .

The Newhouse News Service article published Tuesday night observed, "The
Louisiana congressional delegation urged Congress earlier this year to
dedicate a stream of federal money to Louisiana's coast, only to be
opposed by the White House. . . In its budget, the Bush administration
proposed a significant reduction in funding for southeast Louisiana's
chief hurricane protection project. Bush proposed $10.4 million, a sixth
of what local officials say they need."

Washington knew that this day could come at any time, and it knew the
things that needed to be done to protect the citizens of New Orleans.
But in the tradition of the riverboat gambler, the Bush administration
decided to roll the dice on its fool's errand in Iraq, and on a tax cut
that mainly benefited the rich. Now Bush has lost that gamble, big time.


FRED FELDMAN, CAMPUS ANTIWAR NETWORK - The New Orleans mayor has ordered
police to stop "looting" in a city which he says will be uninhabitable
for at least the next three months. . .

The cops are being given a license to kill, in circumstances in which
the whole black population of the city has been systematically
criminalized by the media nationally. The campaign to scapegoat the
black survivors in the ruined city is likely to reach a bloody new
stage? The victims of the catastrophe -- labeled as "the worst in us" --
are to be sacrificed to the political cover-up of the perpetrators of
the catastrophe (who represent, of course, the best we have to offer).


Orleans on Wednesday as looters ran wild, food and water supplies
dwindled, bodies floated in the floodwaters, the evacuation of the
Superdome began and officials said there was no choice but to abandon
the city devastated by Hurricane Katrina, perhaps for months. . .

With police officers and National Guard troops giving priority to saving
lives, looters brazenly ripped open gates and ransacked stores for food,
clothing, television sets, computers, jewelry and guns, often in full
view of helpless law-enforcement officials. Dozens of car-jackings,
apparently by survivors desperate to escape, were reported, as were a
number of shootings.

On Wednesday night, Mayor Nagin ordered 1,500 police officers, most of
the city's force, to turn from search and rescue to stopping the
looting. "They are starting to get closer to the heavily populated areas
- hotels, hospitals, and we're going to stop it right now," he said in a
statement issued to The Associated Press. . .

Hundreds were still huddled on rooftops or isolated on patches of
ground, where they have awaited rescue for two days without food or
water. An armada of small boats was out, rescuing many from flooded
areas in the poorest sections of New Orleans. . . Some perched on
sections of Interstate 10 that were still standing, though much of the
highway had collapsed. Cars shimmered eerily underwater, and basketballs
floated on the surface, along with children's swimming floats, trees and
other debris.

The bulk of the city's refugees were in or around the Superdome, which
has become a shelter of last resort for more than 20,000 people. Gov.
Kathleen Babineaux Blanco of Louisiana said conditions there had become
desperate, with food, water and other supplies running out, with toilets
overflowing and the air foul, with temperatures hitting 100 degrees and
tempers flaring.


RALPH VARTABEDIAN LA TIMES - Draining the billions of gallons of water
that has inundated New Orleans could take three to six months,
substantially longer than some experts have expected, the Army Corps of
Engineers said.

Col. Richard Wagenaar, the corps' senior official in New Orleans, said
that the estimate was based on planning done as Hurricane Katrina
approached and that it remained the corps' best estimate. He is
directing the agency's recovery efforts. The estimate depends on
favorable weather. Additional rain or other problems could cause more
delays, Wagenaar warned. . .

Walter Baumy, a chief engineer, said that the corps was confronted by
riverbeds clogged with loose barges and debris and that it could not
find contractors able to maneuver heavy equipment into the flood zone. .

The city's 22 pumping stations are not operating, and most are
underwater. Not until the city naturally drains a little can the corps
begin restoring pumping capacity, Wagenaar said. . .

Corps officials think water rose over the top of the canal wall and
cascaded down to its base, scouring a hole that undermined the
foundation, said Al Naomi, the corps' senior project engineer in New
Orleans. "It exceeded the design surge," he said. "It just blew out the

The dirt levees and reinforced concrete flood walls are designed to hold
back an 11 1/2-foot storm surge, not including waves spilling over the
top. The Katrina surge is believed to have been significantly higher
than that. . .

A mathematical model on storm surges pioneered by Notre Dame University
professor Joannes Westerink increased concern that the levee system was
exposing New Orleans to a major catastrophe in the case of any storm
bigger than a Category 3. "In a slow-moving Category 5 hurricane, the
levees are not going to hold," Westerink said.,0,7854368.story?coll=la-home-headlines


POTUS said as he watched, according to Scott McClellan. "It's got to be
doubly devastating on the ground."

NY TIMES - They had flocked to the arena seeking sanctuary from the
winds and waters of Hurricane Katrina. But understaffed, undersupplied
and without air-conditioning or even much lighting, the domed stadium
quickly became a sweltering and surreal vault, a place of overflowing
toilets and no showers. Food and water, blankets and sheets, were in
short supply. And the dome's reluctant residents exchanged horror
stories, including reports, which could not be confirmed by the
authorities, of a suicide and of rapes.

By Wednesday the stink was staggering. Heaps of rotting garbage in
bulging white plastic bags baked under a blazing Louisiana sun on the
main entry plaza, choking new arrivals as they made their way into the
stadium after being plucked off rooftops and balconies. The odor
billowing from toilets was even fouler. Trash spilled across corridors
and aisles, slippery with smelly mud and scraps of food.

"They're housing us like animals," said Iiesha Rousell, 31, unemployed
after four years in the Army in Germany, dripping with perspiration in
the heat, unable to contain her fury and disappointment at being left
with only National Guardsmen as overseers and no information about what
might lie ahead.

Once inside the dome, refugees were told that for their own safety they
could not leave - the flood waters climbed four feet up the walls
outside - and many likened the shelter to a prison.

Michael Childs, 45 and a housepainter, went a step further. "It's worse
than a prison," said Mr. Childs, who knew something about the subject,
having spent three months in the Orleans Parish Prison on a
drunken-driving charge. "In prison you have a place to urinate, a place
for other bathroom needs. Here you get no water, no toilets, no lights.
You get all that in prison."


JACK SHAFER, SLATE - I can't say I saw everything that the TV
newscasters pumped out about Katrina, but I viewed enough repeated
segments to say with 90 percent confidence that broadcasters covering
the New Orleans end of the disaster demurred from mentioning two topics
that must have occurred to every sentient viewer: race and class.

Nearly every rescued person, temporary resident of the Superdome,
looter, or loiterer on the high ground of the freeway I saw on TV was
African-American. And from the look of it, they weren't wealthy
residents of the Garden District. This storm appears to have hurt blacks
more directly than whites, but the broadcasters scarcely mentioned that
fact. . .

To be sure, some reporters sidled up to the race and class issue. I
heard them ask the storm's New Orleans victims why they hadn't left town
when the evacuation call came. Many said they were broke—"I live from
paycheck to paycheck," explained one woman. Others said they didn't own
a car with which to escape and that they hadn't understood the
importance of evacuation.

But I don't recall any reporter exploring the class issue directly by
getting a paycheck-to-paycheck victim to explain that he couldn't risk
leaving because if he lost his furniture and appliances, his pots and
pans, his bedding and clothes, to Katrina or looters, he'd have no way
to replace them. No insurance, no stable, large extended family that
could lend him cash to get back on his feet, no middle-class job to
return to after the storm.


REPENT AMERICA - Just days before "Southern Decadence", an annual
homosexual celebration attracting tens of thousands of people to the
French Quarters section of New Orleans, Hurricane Katrina destroys the
city. "Southern Decadence" has a history of filling the French Quarters
section of the city with drunken homosexuals engaging in sex acts in the
public streets and bars. . . On the official "Southern Decadence"
website it states that the annual event brought in "125,000 revelers" to
New Orleans last year, increasing by thousands each year, and up from
"over 50,000 revelers" in 1997. . .

"Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God
destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael
Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans
was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of
sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," he

New Orleans is also known for its Mardi Gras parties where thousands of
drunken men revel in the streets to exchange plastic jewelry for drunken
women to expose their breasts. This annual event sparked the creation of
the "Girls Gone Wild" video series.

"We must help and pray for those ravaged by this disaster, but let us
not forget that the citizens of New Orleans tolerated and welcomed the
wickedness in their city for so long," Marcavage said. "May this act of
God cause us all to think about what we tolerate in our city limits, and
bring us trembling before the throne of Almighty God," Marcavage


ROBERT KENNEDY JR, HUFFINGTON POST - As Hurricane Katrina dismantles
Mississippi's Gulf Coast, it's worth recalling the central role that
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour played in derailing the Kyoto
Protocol and kiboshing President Bush's iron-clad campaign promise to
regulate CO2.

In March of 2001, just two days after EPA Administrator Christie Todd
Whitman's strong statement affirming Bush's CO2 promise former RNC Chief
Barbour responded with an urgent memo to the White House.

Barbour, who had served as RNC Chair and Bush campaign strategist, was
now representing the president's major donors from the fossil fuel
industry who had enlisted him to map a Bush energy policy that would "be
friendly to their interests. His credentials ensured the new
administration's attention.". . .

"A moment of truth is arriving," Barbour wrote, "in the form of a
decision whether this Administration's policy will be to regulate and/or
tax CO2 as a pollutant. The question is whether environmental policy
still prevails over energy policy with Bush-Cheney, as it did with
Clinton-Gore." He derided the idea of regulating CO2 as "eco-extremism,"
and chided them for allowing environmental concerns to "trump good
energy policy, which the country has lacked for eight years.". . .

On March 13, Bush reversed his previous position, announcing he would
not back a CO2 restriction using the language and rationale provided by
Barbour. Echoing Barbour's memo, Bush said he opposed mandatory CO2
caps, due to "the incomplete state of scientific knowledge" about global
climate change.


PAUL SIMAO, REUTERS, BILOXI - The legalization of gambling in Biloxi
created an economic boom in the early 1990s and the city developed a
reputation as a place where a person could get a decent-paying job in
the casino or hospitality business. But not everyone prospered. In the
devastated streets and atop the rubble piles where their homes stood
before Katrina blew through, a bitter refrain is increasingly heard.
Poor and low-income residents complain that they have borne the brunt of
the hurricane's wrath.

"Many people didn't have the financial means to get out," said Alan
LeBreton, 41, an apartment superintendent who lived on Biloxi's seaside
road, now in ruins. "That's a crime and people are angry about it."

Many of the town's well-off heeded authorities' warnings to flee north,
joining thousands of others who traveled from the Gulf Coast into
northern Mississippi and Alabama, Georgia and other nearby states.

Hotels along the interstates and other main roads were packed with these
temporary refugees. Gas stations and convenience stores -- at least
those that were open -- sold out of water, ice and other supplies within

But others could not afford to join them, either because they didn't own
a car or couldn't raise funds for even the cheapest motel. . .

Resentment at being left behind in the path of one of the fiercest
hurricanes on record may have contributed to some of the looting that
occurred in Biloxi and other coastal communities. A number of private
residences, including some in upscale neighborhoods, were targeted,
residents said.


ANN GERHART, WASHINGTON POST - There are four levels of hell inside the
refugee city of the Superdome, home to about 15,000 people since Sunday.
On the artificial-turf field and in the lower-level seats where Montrel
sat sweltering with her family, a form of civilization had taken hold --
smelly, messy, dark and dank, but with a structure. Families with cots
used their beds as boundaries for personal space and kept their areas
orderly, a cooler on one corner, the toys on another, almost as if they
had come for fireworks and stayed too long.

The bathrooms, clogged and overflowing since Monday, announced the
second level of hell, the walkway ringing the entrance level. In the
men's, the urinal troughs were overflowing. In the women's, the bowls
were to the brim. A slime of excrement and urine made the walkway slick.
"You don't even go there anymore," said Dee Ford, 37, who was pushed in
a wading pool from her flooded house to the shelter. "You just go
somewhere in a corner where you can. In the dark, you are going to step
in poo anyway."
. . .

"With no hand-washing, and all the excrement," said Sgt. Debra Williams,
who was staffing the infirmary in the adjacent sports arena, "you have
about four days until dysentery sets in. And it's been four days today."
. . .

Within the skyboxes, on the third level of hell, life was dark 24 hours
a day, a place for abandonment and coupling. Also up there was "a sort
of speakeasy," said Michael Childs, who had some beer in an empty Dannon
water bottle. "You got to know where to go," he said, and grinned. "And
you just put your bottle under the spigot. It is disgusting in here, and
I lost everything I had, and I'm glad to have found a little beer."

On the fourth level, the darkest and highest of all, the lurkers lived,
scary in the shadows. The fourth level, people explained, was for the
gangsters and the druggies. The rumors sprang from there: Two girls had
been raped; one girl had been raped and one killed. Someone was
abducting newborns. A man had jumped from there and died. A murder had

"None of that," said Maj. Bush, who had been at the Superdome, along
with about 200 other Guard members and a few New Orleans policemen,
since Monday. An older man did jump to his death, but not from the
fourth level. Two residents died, and two were born, both births
attended by a physician. Bush did not know if either child had been
named Katrina.


BOING BOING - My friend Ned Sublette passes along an email attributed to
a rescue worker in New Orleans. Ned says: "The poorest 20% of the city
was left behind to drown. This was the plan. Forget the sanctimonious
bullshit about the bullheaded people who wouldn't leave. The evacuation
plan was strictly laissez-faire. It depended on privately owned
vehicles, and on having ready cash to fund an evacuation. The planners
knew full well that the poor, who in new orleans are overwhelmingly
black, wouldn't be able to get out. The resources -- meaning, the
political will -- weren't there to get them out. White per capita income
in Orleans parish, 2000 census: $31,971. Black per capita: $11,332.
Median *household* income in B.W. Cooper Housing Projects, 2000:


WASHINGTON POST - Nagin also estimated that 50,000 to 100,000 people
stayed in the city of 485,000 despite earlier evacuation orders, and
said they would now be evacuated at the rate of 14,000 to 15,000 a day.
He said the city would "not be functional" for about three months.


LINTON WEEKS WASHINGTON POST - Benigno E. Aguirre of the Disaster
Research Center at the University of Delaware has been watching and
reading about looters in Louisiana. "It may look from the outside as if
they are stealing or breaking the law," says Aguirre, "when in fact some
of them are trying to survive." On the other hand, he says, some of the
thieves are garden-variety crooks. "There is always a very small number
of people that are predisposed to crime, and they see a disaster as an
opportunity to act."

There are the disenfranchised who jump at the chance to get even with
those who have more stuff than they do. "Disasters can become
opportunity for class warfare, and that kind of appropriation of other
people's property should be prosecuted," he says,

There are looters, he says, but "people use the concept of looting
without making distinctions."

Many may be people taking drastic measures required by drastic times.
And some, he says, are the in-an-emergency equivalent of
hunters/gatherers, foraging for food, fresh water, medicine, matches,
batteries, everyday essentials that are just not available. Not at home,
not at shelters. . .

Here's a recent exchange between Nancy Grace and Anderson Cooper of CNN:

"It's my understanding," Grace said, "that there has been rampant
looting. In fact, martial law declared in other areas. Have you seen

Cooper replied, "I wouldn't call it looting. What I have seen is
desperate people kind of wandering around here in downtown Gulfport.
There are a lot of police here in Gulfport, so you can't get away with
looting. But I have seen people picking stuff up from the wreckage. I
saw a man with two bottles of olive oil. He was hoping to try to cook
something up. He says he has no water. He doesn't really have much of a
place to go. So there are a lot of people just desperately in need."


SCOTT GOLD, LA TIMES - A 2-year-old girl slept in a pool of urine. Crack
vials littered a restroom. Blood stained the walls next to vending
machines smashed by teenagers. . . "We pee on the floor. We are like
animals," said Taffany Smith, 25, as she cradled her 3-week-old son,
Terry. In her right hand she carried a half-full bottle of formula
provided by rescuers. Baby supplies are running low; one mother said she
was given two diapers and told to scrape them off when they got dirty
and use them again.

At least two people, including a child, have been raped. At least three
people have died, including one man who jumped 50 feet to his death,
saying he had nothing left to live for. . .

"There is feces on the walls," said Bryan Hebert, 43, who arrived at the
Superdome on Monday. "There is feces all over the place."

Most refugees are given two 9-ounce bottles of water a day and two boxed
meals: spaghetti, Thai chicken or jambalaya. One man tried to escape
Wednesday by leaping a barricade and racing toward the streets. The man
was desperate, National Guard Sgt. Caleb Wells said. Everything he was
able to bring to the Superdome had been stolen. His house had probably
been destroyed, his relatives killed.

"We had to chase him down," Wells said. "He said he just wanted to get
out, to go somewhere. We took him to the terrace and said: 'Look.' "
Below, floodwaters were continuing to rise, submerging cars. "He didn't
realize how bad things are out there," Wells said. "He just broke down.
He started bawling. We took him back inside."

The soldiers — most are sleeping two or three hours a night, and many
have lost houses — say they are doing the best they can with limited
resources and no infrastructure. But they have become the target of many
refugees' anger.,0,2041291,full.story?coll=la-home-headlines


AUDREY HUDSON, WASHINGTON TIMES - About 4,000 Coast Guardsmen are
helping with relief efforts. . . With only a skeletal fleet of 25 rescue
helicopters based in Louisiana and Alabama, three-man crews, including
rescue swimmers, are flying nonstop and have rescued more than 1,250
victims in the flood-swollen region. [Now up to 2600- TPR] The highly
trained swimmers are using axes to break through roofs before pulling
soaking wet victims to safety, who are then airlifted to hospitals for
medical care or to the closest dry patch of land. "Unfortunately, in a
situation like this, you're seeing the Coast Guard do what it does best
-- saving lives," Petty Officer 3rd Class Larry Chambers said. "The
importance of life is job one for us. "When they see the orange and
white bird and those guys in orange uniforms coming down for them, they
feel a lot better," Petty Officer Chambers said. . .



[Thanks to various readers]

Whippoorwill's singing, on a soft summer breeze;
Makes me think of my baby, I left down in New Orleans,
I left down in New Orleans;
Magnolia, you sweet thing, you're driving me mad
Got to get back to you, babe;
You're the best I ever had;
You're the best I ever had;
You whisper "Good morning," so gently in my ear;
I'm coming home to you, babe;
I'll soon be there;
I'll soon be there.

- John J. Cale


It's not so much the relentless photographs of floods, the debris of our
lives smashed and scattered, or even the obsession I have developed to
read something - anything, about Lessepps Street where Lee Grue lives.

Kalamu ya Salam made it to Houston, is mostly off line, Ahmos ZuBolton
died last year, so it's not personal ties or the memories I have of the
Big Easy, or the story this morning about the Crescent Hotel in the
Quarter that brought up generators one last time to cook a hot breakfast
for everyone, anyone, a piano player performing Stormy Weather.

It's not sweet memories -- eating Eggs Benedict at Brennans when I was
ten. My parents took us on a long car trip from Illinois to California
then down through Texas, across to New Orleans and then back home
through the Smoky Mountains, America the Beautiful, and now devastation,
or walking into a perfume shop and buying a bottle of White Shoulders
which lasted well into my teens because Mother insisted it was just for
special events, like church, weddings, graduations, funerals. . . -
Susan Bright

Back water rising, coming in my windows and doors
I leave with a prayer in my heart: back water won't rise no more

[Attributed to Blind Lemon Jefferson]



BBC - Some of the great apes - chimps, gorillas, and orangutans - could
be extinct in the wild within a human generation, a new assessment
Human settlement, logging, mining and disease mean that orangutans in
parts of Indonesia may lose half of their habitat within five years.
There are now more than 20,000 humans on the planet for every
chimpanzee. . .

"All of the great apes are listed as either endangered or critically
endangered," co-author Lera Miles from the World Conservation Monitoring
Centre near Cambridge told the BBC News website. "Critically endangered
means that their numbers have decreased, or will decrease, by 80% within
three generations." One critically endangered species is the Sumatran
orangutan, of which around 7,300 remain in the wild.




The fight to reform the Patriot Act is not over -- we need your help this September if we are to get any increased protections for civil liberties.

Tell 5 friends to take action and as a special thank-you, we'll send you a free DVD of "Beyond the Patriot Act," the premiere episode of the new TV series, The ACLU Freedom Files. Click here to urge your friends to push for Patriot Act reform.
Congress returns next week, and we expect the senators and representatives on the Patriot Act "conference committee" to quickly hash out a final bill for the president's signature.

Right now, the Senate version of the bill to renew the expiring parts of the Patriot Act, although flawed, is a marked improvement over the version passed by the House of Representatives. We cannot endorse the Senate bill, but we support the steps it takes to reform some of the most troubling parts of the act.

We are asking ACLU members and supporters to urge Congress to protect the improvements made in the Senate version. We will continue to fight for more improvements in the coming years but this bill represents the best chance for reform this year.

We are encouraged, for instance, by some of the Senate bill's reforms in Section 215 of the Patriot Act, the so-called "library records provision."

While the House bill would extend Section 215 without any meaningful changes, the Senate bill would require that there be a statement of facts about why requested personal records are relevant to a foreign intelligence investigation, and that it should provide a right to challenge an order for personal records--and the permanent secrecy of such an order--under long established standards.

The fight to reform the Patriot Act would have been over before it started without your ongoing help. Please continue to support the ACLU.

Anthony D. Romero
Executive Director

We don't usually file lawsuits under seal, but when it comes to the Patriot Act, we weren't given any choice. Here's what we can tell you right now: the ACLU is representing a member of the American Library Association in a challenge to the constitutionality of "national security letter" authority, which was expanded by the Patriot Act.

Our client, an institution that maintains records about books borrowed by library patrons and about their Internet usage, was ordered by the FBI to produce records without any judicial review. The FBI demand was disclosed in a lawsuit we filed in Connecticut, but because of a heavy FBI gag order, we are forbidden to discuss the details of the case.

As Congress approaches a vote on whether to expand the Patriot Act, the public has a right to know how it is being used. To open the discussion, we are seeking an emergency court order to lift the gag so our client can participate in the public debate. We're encouraged that the judge has ordered the hearing open to the public.

"If our client could speak, he could explain why Congress should adopt additional safeguards that would limit Patriot Act powers," said ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson, the lead lawyer in the case.

Learn more about the National Security Letters and what you can do to urge Congress to amend the Patriot Act. Go to:

Read Anthony Romero's blog where he responds to a recent New York Times editorial about National Security Letters. Go to:

Next week, along with Robert Greenwald and Brave New Films, we are launching a new TV series titled The ACLU Freedom Files. This 10-part series premieres September 8 on Link TV with the 30-minute episode, "Beyond the Patriot Act," as the House and Senate review the renewal, expansion or changes to the Patriot Act.

Aiming to strip away the sound bytes to reveal how civil liberties affect real people every day, the series features clients and the attorneys who represent them, as well as actors, activists and comedians. It is produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Jeremy Kagan.

The series will be available on DVD and will be shown on college campuses as well as via new media, technology and grassroots networks such as video blogs, podcasts, community premieres and house parties.

For more on show topics, times and channels, visit:

Last week the federal government decided to suspend the flow of taxpayer dollars to the Silver Ring Thing, a nationwide ministry that uses abstinence-only-until-marriage sex education as a means to bring "unchurched" students to Jesus Christ.

"We are pleased that the Department of Health and Human Services today recognized that the Silver Ring Thing was blatantly misusing public dollars," said Julie Sternberg, a senior staff Attorney at the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project.

The ACLU filed a lawsuit in May challenging the misuse of more than one million dollars awarded by the federal government to the Silver Ring Thing since August 2003. Days later, altered its Web site in an effort to conceal religious content.

See how the changed its Web site and learn more about our involvement in full sex education for public classrooms by visiting:

Hearings opened last week in our challenge to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's policy of obstructing scientific research that could lead to marijuana being approved as a prescription medicine.

Our Drug Law Reform Project is representing University of Massachusetts Professor Lyle Craker, Ph.D., in his appeal of the DEA's refusal to grant him a license to grow research-grade marijuana. Drugs like heroin and cocaine are more readily available to researchers than marijuana.

"Almost 80 percent of Americans support making medical marijuana legal, and the Supreme Court has indicated that federal regulatory agencies are the proper channel for medical marijuana patients," said Allen Hopper, a staff attorney with the ACLU Drug Law Reform Project.

The next round of hearings will take place during the last week of September. Meanwhile, learn more about Professor Craker's case and our drive to legalize medical marijuana. Go to:

The ACLU is again appearing before a federal judge this week seeking the release of 74 photographs and three videos depicting the abuse of prisoners held by the United States at Abu Ghraib. Earlier this month, the court ordered the government to reveal blacked-out portions of its legal papers arguing against the release of images.

So what didn't the government want us to see? Among other things, portions of an affidavit by Gen. Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in which he argues that "the democratic idea of public accountability is misunderstood in other parts of the world."

"Accountability isn't 'misunderstood' by the world, it's misunderstood by the Bush Administration and it hasn't happened. That's why the American public has a right to see these images for itself," said ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero. "Instead of hiding evidence of the military's misconduct and failure of leadership from the public, the government should appoint an independent counsel to uncover the full truth about the extent of the abuse and who is responsible."

Read documents the government did not want the public to see at:

Among politicians, journalists and entertainers, ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero was listed in Time Magazine's 25 Most Influential Hispanics in America.

The August 22 cover story features Romero as "The Champion of Civil Rights" and cites his leadership of the bipartisan fight against the Patriot Act, not only as a staunch advocate for civil liberties but for the many immigrants falling victim to the act's use since 9/11.

The complete article is available online at:,8599,1093634,00.html


Rescuers: Boat Operation Suspended
As police and National Guard troops struggled to restore order Thursday in New
Orleans, emergency teams suspended boat rescue operations because conditions in
the flooded city were too dangerous, rescuers said. Thousands are still stranded
in New Orleans.

Did New Orleans Catastrophe Have to Happen?
Local officials are now saying, the article reports, that had Washington heeded
their warnings about the dire need for hurricane protection, including building
up levees and repairing barrier islands, "the damage might not have been nearly
as bad as it turned out to be."

Disasters Keep Coming but FEMA Phased Out
In the days to come, as the nation copes with the disastrous aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, we will be reminded how important it is to have a federal
agency capable of dealing with natural catastrophes of this sort. ... Which
makes it all the more difficult to understand why the country's premier agency
for dealing with such events - FEMA - is being, in effect, systematically
downgraded and all but dismantled by the Department of Homeland Security.

Sidney Blumenthal | "No One Can Say They Didn't See It Coming"
In 2001, FEMA warned that a hurricane striking New Orleans was one of the three
most likely disasters in the US. But the Bush administration cut New Orleans
flood control funding by 44 percent to pay for the Iraq war.

National Guard at Breaking Point in Iraq and Gulf
On Aug. 1, a spokesman for the Louisiana National Guard lamented to a local
reporter that the state might be stretched for security personnel in the event
of a big hurricane. Dozens of high-water vehicles, generators and Humvees were
employed in Iraq, along with 3,000 Louisiana National Guard troops.

NOW | Katrina: Why the Devastation Was So Bad
NOW investigates why the devastation of Katrina was so bad.

Bush "Casual to the Point of Carelessness" on Katrina
George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life yesterday, especially
given the level of national distress and the need for words of consolation and
wisdom. In what seems to be a ritual in this administration, the president
appeared a day later than he was needed. He then read an address of a quality
more appropriate for an Arbor Day celebration.

Hurricane Katrina

A force of nature and an array of wrong-headed policies combined to create the
disaster that has flooded the South. The Bush Administration's gutting of FEMA
and its slashing of funding for flood control certainly isn't helping matters.

But, as David Corn proposes, the Administration can help make amends by putting
off the GOP effort to kill the estate tax for millionaires and investing a
portion of those funds in reconstruction in New Orleans and along the Gulf

It would also be appropriate if the cash-rich oil industry kicked in to help a
devastated region in which it has made so much money. Over the past year and a
half, the four largest oil companies--ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, Royal
Dutch/Shell Group and BP Group PLC--have pocketed close to $100 billion in
profits. Yet, as John Nichols writes, instead of sharing the pain, they appear
to be moving to squeeze every cent they can out of the crisis.

Also seeming to enjoy the disaster is Rush Limbaugh, using it to make infantile
jokes, as Katrina vanden Heuvel writes in Editor's Cut. But, as vanden Veuvel
argues, instead of lame quips, "We should be asking serious questions about why
the Iraq War has led the White House to divert funds from an urgent project to
upgrade levees and pumping stations in Louisiana, and why there aren't enough
National Guard troops on hand in what is one of the worst natural disasters in
US history."

And don't miss these new Nation online pieces....

Dilip Hiro contends that by insisting on its right to develop the full range of
nuclear technology, Iran has become a Third World hero.

Sonia Shah argues that the lush film, The Constant Gardner, glosses over the
constant vigilance necessary to police drug trials.

Liza Featherstone agrees that it sounds like an episode of The Simpsons, but
says that the Bank of Wal-Mart is for real.

Robert Scheer says that Bush may crow about a new constitution, but he can't
deny that autocrats, theocrats and terrorists are clearly in control.

Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price
Robert Greenwald's new documentary has the potential to raise much more
awareness about what's wrong with Wal-Mart and why. The film is a powerful,
emotional and entertaining way to help trigger change in the way the company
conducts business in the US and across the globe. And you can help. Click below
for details.

Finally, please visit to post comments to Nation
blogs, to view news-wire links updated twice each day, for info on nationwide
activist campaigns, Nation History offerings, exclusive online reports, and
special weekly selections from The Nation magazine!

Best Regards,
Peter Rothberg, The Nation

P.S. If you like The Nation online, please consider subscribing to the magazine
at our discounted rate. It's the only way to read ALL of what's in The Nation
week after week--both in print and online.


Coping With Katrina

"The devastation is greater than our worst fears," declared Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Two days after Hurricane Katrina tore through the Gulf Coast region, elected officials and aid workers are beginning to assess the totality of the damage done by the storm. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour said up to 80 deaths have been reported in Harrison County alone; some estimate the number is closer to 110. Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu reported that at least 50 to 100 people were dead in New Orleans. Nearly 80 percent of New Orleans is submerged under water, with some sections of the city experiencing standing water as deep as 20 feet. Approximately 3 million residents along the Gulf Coast remain without power, and tens of thousands have no phone service. Residents who returned to their homes in parts of three states -- Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama -- were without safe drinking water, had limited shelter and food, faced the threat of looting and downed power lines, and had poor access to medical care. Biloxi Mayor A.J. Holloway said, "This is our tsunami."

THE SUPERDOME FACES WORSENING CONDITIONS: As of Wednesday morning, the Superdome in New Orleans housed approximately 20,000 to 30,000 stranded civilians. Conditions deteriorated as the population inside the dome grew. Bathrooms were filthy, urinals were backed up, electricity was out, air conditioning was not available, and part of the roof collapsed. Scores of sick patients from nearby evacuated hospitals were moved into the Superdome, where four individuals later died. Yet despite an environment that the Washington Post termed a "festering hellhole," many in the Superdome were more than happy to have a refuge from the chaos erupting outside. National Guard soldiers did their best to accommodate the massive crowd. But with the increased threats of flooding putting the city of New Orleans at greater risk, Gov. Blanco ordered the evacuation of the dome within the next two days.

HOW TO HELP: Charities and the federal government are launching what aid agencies predict could be "the longest and costliest relief effort in U.S. history." Michael Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), is urging those who want to help to make cash donations. Cash donations "allow volunteer agencies to issue cash vouchers to victims so they can meet their needs. Cash donations also allow agencies to avoid the labor-intensive need to store, sort, pack and distribute donated goods. Donated money prevents, too, the prohibitive cost of air or sea transportation that donated goods require." Here is the list of agencies that FEMA is directing people to contact (if you decide to give to a different charity, beware of scams).

The American Underclass

Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary John Snow acknowledged that "the fruits of strong economic growth are not spreading equally." New data from the Census Bureau on income, poverty and health coverage support his claim. The statistics reveal a growing economic underclass living in poverty, lacking health coverage and stuck with stagnating wages.

MORE AMERICANS LIVING IN POVERTY: Last year, 37 million Americans -- 12.7 percent of the population -- lived in poverty. The figures represent "the fourth straight year that the report found an increase in the U.S. poverty rate." In 2000, there were 5.5 million fewer people below the poverty line. Nevertheless, the Bush administration spun the poverty rates as "good news," noting that there were other times in American history when the poverty rate was higher.

MORE AMERICANS WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE: The Census Bureau report found "the number of uninsured Americans stood at 45.8 million in 2004, an increase of 800,000 people over the number uninsured in 2003." It's the fourth straight year the ranks of the uninsured swelled. Overall, "six million more people lacked health insurance in 2004 than in 2000." Sadly, those figures understate the extent of the problem. Rising poverty rates meant more Americans were eligible for Medicaid and other government health insurance programs. Increased enrollment in government programs "helped offset the reduction in private employer-sponsored insurance." However, even as the proportion of Americans without employer-sponsored coverage decreases, public insurance programs as they are currently structured cannot provide a safety net for everyone. For example, 350,000 single adults lost health insurance between 2003 and 2004 -- and these individuals generally do not qualify for Medicaid coverage, no matter how small their income. Only a comprehensive effort to address these inequities within the health care system can reverse these long-term trends.

STAGNATING AND DECLINING WAGES: The median income in 2004 was unchanged from the previous year. It's the fifth straight year median income failed to increase, the first time that's happened since the government began collecting the data in 1967. Many people saw their earnings decrease. For example, the median income for all non-elderly households decreased by $600 as compared to 2003. In the Midwest, median household income fell by $1,277. Phillip L. Swagel, a resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, acknowledged that "the gains from the recovery haven't really filtered down. The gains have gone to owners of capital and not to workers."

MEANWHILE, CEO PAY SKYROCKETS: As millions of Americans struggled, corporate CEOs enjoyed another banner year. In 2004, the average CEO made 430 times as much as the average worker, up from a ratio of 301-to-1 in 2003. If the minimum wage had grown at the same rate as CEO pay since 1990, "the lowest paid workers in the US would be earning $23.03 an hour today."

White People's Burden

By Robert Jensen, AlterNet. Posted August 31, 2005.

It's time for white Americans to fully acknowledge that in the racial arena, they are the problem.

Editor's Note: This essay is excerpted from The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege, forthcoming from City Lights, September 2005.

The United States is a white country. By that I don't just mean that the majority of its citizens are white, though they are (for now but not forever). What makes the United States white is not the fact that most Americans are white but the assumption -- especially by people with power -- that American equals white. Those people don't say it outright. It comes out in subtle ways. Or, sometimes, in ways not so subtle.

Here's an example: I'm in line at a store, unavoidably eavesdropping on two white men in front of me, as one tells the other about a construction job he was on. He says: "There was this guy and three Mexicans standing next to the truck." From other things he said, it was clear that "this guy" was Anglo, white, American. It also was clear from the conversation that this man had not spoken to the "three Mexicans" and had no way of knowing whether they were Mexicans or U.S. citizens of Mexican heritage.

It didn't matter. The "guy" was the default setting for American: Anglo, white. The "three Mexicans" were not Anglo, not white, and therefore not American. It wasn't "four guys standing by a truck." It was "a guy and three Mexicans." The race and/or ethnicity of the four men were irrelevant to the story he was telling. But the storyteller had to mark it. It was important that "the guy" not be confused with "the three Mexicans."

Here's another example, from the Rose Garden. At a 2004 news conference outside the White House, President George W. Bush explained that he believed democracy would come to Iraq over time:

"There's a lot of people in the world who don't believe that people whose skin color may not be the same as ours can be free and self-govern. I reject that. I reject that strongly. I believe that people who practice the Muslim faith can self-govern. I believe that people whose skins aren't necessarily -- are a different color than white can self-govern."

It appears the president intended the phrase "people whose skin color may not be the same as ours" to mean people who are not from the United States. That skin color he refers to that is "ours," he makes it clear, is white. Those people not from the United States are "a different color than white." So, white is the skin color of the United States. That means those whose skin is not white but are citizens of the United States are ...? What are they? Are they members in good standing in the nation, even if "their skin color may not be the same as ours"?

This is not simply making fun of a president who sometimes mangles the English language. This time he didn't misspeak, and there's nothing funny about it. He did seem to get confused when he moved from talking about skin color to religion (does he think there are no white Muslims?), but it seems clear that he intended to say that brown people -- Iraqis, Arabs, Muslims, people from the Middle East, whatever the category in his mind -- can govern themselves, even though they don't look like us. And "us" is clearly white. In making this magnanimous proclamation of faith in the capacities of people in other parts of the world, in proclaiming his belief in their ability to govern themselves, he made one thing clear: The United States is white. Or, more specifically, being a real "American" is being white. So, what do we do with citizens of the United States who aren't white?

That's the question for which this country has never quite found an answer: What do white "Americans" do with those who share the country but aren't white? What do we do with peoples we once tried to exterminate? People we once enslaved? People we imported for labor and used like animals to build railroads? People we still systematically exploit as low-wage labor? All those people -- indigenous, African, Asian, Latino -- can obtain the legal rights of citizenship. That's a significant political achievement in some respects, and that popular movements that forced the powerful to give people those rights give us the most inspiring stories in U.S. history.

The degree to which many white people in one generation dramatically shifted their worldview to see people they once considered to be subhuman as political equals is not trivial, no matter how deep the problems of white supremacy we still live with.In many comparable societies, problems of racism are as ugly, if not uglier, than in the United States. If you doubt that, ask a Turk what it is like to live in Germany, an Algerian what it's like to live in France, a black person what it's like to live in Japan. We can acknowledge the gains made in the United States -- always understanding those gains came because non-white people, with some white allies, forced society to change -- while still acknowledging the severity of the problem that remains.

But it doesn't answer the question: What do white "Americans" do with those who share the country but aren't white?

We can pretend that we have reached "the end of racism" and continue to ignore the question. But that's just plain stupid. We can acknowledge that racism still exists and celebrate diversity, but avoid the political, economic, and social consequences of white supremacy. But, frankly, that's just as stupid. The fact is that most of the white population of the United States has never really known what to do with those who aren't white. Let me suggest a different approach.

Let's go back to the question that W.E.B. Du Bois said he knew was on the minds of white people. In the opening of his 1903 classic, The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois wrote that the real question whites wanted to ask him, but were afraid to, was: "How does it feel to be a problem?" Du Bois was identifying a burden that blacks carried -- being seen by the dominant society not as people but as a problem people, as a people who posed a problem for the rest of society. Du Bois was right to identify "the color line" as the problem of the 20th century. Now, in the 21st century, it is time for whites to self-consciously reverse the direction of that question at heart of color. It's time for white people to fully acknowledge that in the racial arena, we are the problem. We have to ask ourselves: How does it feel to be the problem?

The simple answer: Not very good.

That is the new White People's Burden, to understand that we are the problem, come to terms with what that really means, and act based on that understanding. Our burden is to do something that doesn't seem to come natural to people in positions of unearned power and privilege: Look in the mirror honestly and concede that we live in an unjust society and have no right to some of what we have. We should not affirm ourselves. We should negate our whiteness. Strip ourselves of the illusion that we are special because we are white. Steel ourselves so that we can walk in the world fully conscious and try to see what is usually invisible to us white people. We should learn to ask ourselves, "How does it feel to be the problem?"

Robert Jensen is a professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin.

Sunday, September 18, 2005


AUG 31, 2005
Since 1964, Washington's most unofficial source


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The people have only as much liberty as they have the intelligence to
want and the courage to take. - Emma Goldman



WILL BUNCH, EDITOR & PUBLISHER - New Orleans had long known it was
highly vulnerable to flooding and a direct hit from a hurricane. In
fact, the federal government has been working with state and local
officials in the region since the late 1960s on major hurricane and
flood relief efforts. When flooding from a massive rainstorm in May 1995
killed six people, Congress authorized the Southeast Louisiana Urban
Flood Control Project, or SELA.

Over the next 10 years, the Army Corps of Engineers, tasked with
carrying out SELA, spent $430 million on shoring up levees and building
pumping stations, with $50 million in local aid. But at least $250
million in crucial projects remained, even as hurricane activity in the
Atlantic Basin increased dramatically and the levees surrounding New
Orleans continued to subside.

Yet after 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a
trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending
pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security -- coming at
the same time as federal tax cuts -- was the reason for the strain. At
least nine articles in the Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005
specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of
hurricane- and flood-control dollars.

Newhouse News Service, in an article posted late Tuesday night at The
Times-Picayune web site, reported: "No one can say they didn't see it
coming. . . .Now in the wake of one of the worst storms ever, serious
questions are being asked about the lack of preparation."

In early 2004, as the cost of the conflict in Iraq soared, President
Bush proposed spending less than 20 percent of what the Corps said was
needed for Lake Pontchartrain, according to a Feb. 16, 2004, article, in
New Orleans CityBusiness.

On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for
Jefferson Parish, Louisiana; told the Times-Picayune: "It appears that
the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland
security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay.
Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are
doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue
for us.". . .



PROGRESS REPORT - In 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
ranked a major hurricane strike on New Orleans as "among the three
likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing this country," directly
behind a terrorist strike on New York City. . . While it happened,
President Bush decided to ... continue his vacation, stopping by the
Pueblo El Mirage RV and Golf Resort in El Mirage, California, to hawk
his Medicare drug benefit plan. On Sunday, President Bush said, "I want
to thank all the folks at the federal level and the state level and the
local level who have taken this storm seriously."

Two months ago, President Bush took an ax to budget funds that would
have helped New Orleans prepare for such a disaster. The New Orleans
branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers suffered a "record $71.2
million" reduction in federal funding, a 44.2 percent reduction from its
2001 levels. Reports at the time said that thanks to the cuts, "major
hurricane and flood protection projects will not be awarded to local
engineering firms. . . . Also, a study to determine ways to protect the
region from a Category 5 hurricane has been shelved for now." (Too bad
Louisiana isn't a swing state. In the aftermath of Hurricane Frances --
and the run-up to the 2004 election -- the Bush administration awarded
$31 million in disaster relief to Florida residents who didn't even
experience hurricane damage.)

The Gulf Coast wetlands form a "natural buffer that helps protect New
Orleans from storms," slowing hurricanes down as they approach from sea.
When he came into office, President Bush pledged to uphold the "no net
loss" wetland policy his father initiated. He didn't keep his word. Bush
rolled back tough wetland policies set by the Clinton administration,
ordering federal agencies "to stop protecting as many as 20 million
acres of wetlands and an untold number of waterways nationwide." Last
year, four environmental groups issued a joint report showing that
administration policies had allowed "developers to drain thousands of
acres of wetlands." The result? New Orleans may be in even greater
danger: "Studies show that if the wetlands keep vanishing over the next
few decades, then you won't need a giant storm to devastate New Orleans
-- a much weaker, more common kind of hurricane could destroy the city

Forward-thinking federal plans with titles like "Issues and Options in
Flood Hazards Management," "Floods: A National Policy Concern," and "A
Framework for Flood Hazards Management" would be particularly valuable
in a time of increasingly intense hurricanes. Unfortunately, the agency
that used to produce them -- the Office of Technology Assessment -- was
gutted by Gingrich conservatives several years ago. As Chris Mooney (who
presciently warned of the need to bulk up hurricane defenses in New
Orleans last May) noted, "If we ever return to science-based
policymaking based on professionalism and expertise, rather than
ideology, an office like OTA would be very useful in studying how best
to save a city like New Orleans -- and how Congress might consider
appropriating money to achieve this end."

National Guard and Reserve soldiers are typically on the front lines
responding to disasters like Katrina -- that is, if they're not fighting
in Iraq. Roughly 35 percent of Louisiana's National Guard is currently
deployed in Iraq, where guardsmen and women make up about four of every
10 soldiers. Additionally, "Dozens of high water vehicles, humvees,
refuelers and generators" used by the Louisiana Guard are also tied up
abroad. "The National Guard needs that equipment back home to support
the homeland security mission," Louisiana National Guard Lt. Colonel
Pete Schneider told reporters earlier this month. "Recruitment is down
dramatically, mostly because prospective recruits are worried about
deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan or another country," the AP reported
recently. "I used to be able to get about eight people a month," said
National Guard 1st Sgt. Derick Young, a New Orleans recruiter. "Now, I'm
lucky if I can get one."



NEW ORLEANS TIMES-PICAYUNE - As Jerry Rayes piloted his boat down St.
Claude Avenue, just past the Industrial Canal, the eerie screams that
could barely be heard from the roadway grew louder as, one by one, faces
of desperate families appeared on rooftops, on balconies and in windows,
some of them waving white flags. . . A woman screamed as Rayes boated
by: "Hey! Damn! Hey!" "You can't save everybody," he said, as he passed
street signs barely visible above the water along with scores of felled
trees and downed power lines. "That's all we heard for hours this

As he motored toward St. Claude Avenue, which looked like a bayou rather
than a thoroughfare, his boat passed Fats Domino's
pink-and-yellow-trimmed house on Caffin Avenue. About a half a dozen men
screamed from the balcony, flailing their hands for help. He passed them

"What am I going to do? I got to go to the parish," he said. "There's
way too many people out there and to few boats."



anti-American communist? That was the accusation coming yesterday from
the Heritage Foundation, which hosted author John J. Tierney Jr. for a
forum titled "The Politics of Peace: What's Behind the Anti-War
Movement?" Cindy Sheehan's protest was called unprecedented -- and more.
Tierney researched the movement for a book and came up with some choice
descriptions. "I have to say it is communist," he told an audience at
the conservative think tank, also describing the groups involved as
"revolutionary socialistic" and "cohorts" of North Korea, Saddam Hussein
and Fidel Castro's Cuba. "We're really dealing with . . . a
comprehensive, exhaustive, socialistic anti-capitalistic political
structure," he said.

Tierney, of the Institute of World Politics, identified five groups:
ANSWER, Not in Our Name, Code Pink, United for Peace and Justice, and
Move On. He said these groups "come from the Workers World Party" and
are an "umbrella" for smaller groups, such as the "Communist Party of
Kansas City" and the "Socialist Revolutionary Movement of the Upper
Mississippi." Of the last two, he said, "I'm just making these up."

Tierney singled out Sheehan, whose son died in Iraq and who camped out
at President Bush's ranch this month to protest the war. "I've never
heard of a woman protesting a war in front of a leader's home in my
life," he said. "I've never heard of anything quite so outrageous."

Heritage's Dana Dillon introduced Tierney by saying that "the discussion
today does not oppose the antiwar movement per se or question the
patriotism or loyalty or common sense of Americans on either side of the
debate." But the blurb promoting the event on Heritage's Web site said
of the movement: "At root, they are anti-American rather than anti-war."



TODD ZWILLCIH, FOX NEWS - The number of Americans without health
insurance rose by 800,000 last year, reaching a record high of nearly 46
million, the U.S. Census Bureau reported. Officials blamed the increase
in part on the continuing erosion of workplace-sponsored health
insurance. A majority of Americans still get their coverage by sharing
costs with their employer, though a smaller and smaller percentage of
American jobs are now accompanied by medical benefits.,2933,167856,00.html



like a drug, is it just a psychological illusion? Or is it a real
biological effect? Research reported last week suggests that it's both.
The mere belief that they had received a pain killer was enough to
release the brain's natural painkilling endorphins in the patients
tested, scientists say. This opens a new line of research into the
placebo puzzle. The effect has been demonstrated often enough to show
that some patients appear to benefit from such belief. But there hasn't
been enough evidence to convince skeptics that anything more than the
so-called power of suggestion is at work. That's changing. "The findings
of this study are counter to the common thought that the placebo effect
is purely psychological due to suggestion and that it does not represent
a real physical change." says University of Michigan neuroscientist
Jon-Kar Zubieta. He is principal author of the study published Aug. 24
in The Journal of Neuroscience. . .

Reporting their work in Science, the research team pointed out that such
circumstantial evidence has given plausibility to "the idea that sensory
experience is shaped by one's attitudes and beliefs." They acknowledge
that, while pain does have "sensory components," it is "a
psychologically constructed experience."

In his book "The Anatomy of Hope," Harvard Medical School physician
Jerome Groopman notes that "a change of mind-set can alter
neurochemistry both in a laboratory setting and in the clinic." He says
he found relief himself from persistent back pain in the hope inspired
by an empathetic fellow physician. He explains that "belief and
expectation - the key elements of hope - can block pain by releasing the
brain's [pain killing] endorphins and enkephlins, mimicking the effects
of morphine."


ROGER MORRIS - Ignorant of the issues, cravenly afraid of risking
privilege for principle, hostage to corrupt advisors and a corrupted
calculus of national interest, Democrats not only mistake the public
mood and fail the minimal duty of opposition, but join the folly. From
Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, Capitol Hill barons to camp-following
bloggers, they stand bravely for more fodder more efficiently fed to the
calamity, huddling earnestly to the right of the most egregious
right-wing aggression in our history. Add to the Iraqi disaster the
defining debacle of our second intellectually and morally derelict
party. . .


KATIE ZEZIMA, NY TIMES - The State of Vermont has installed a system
that uses plants and organisms to clean wastewater at a rebuilt rest
stop on Interstate 89 here, 10 miles northwest of White River Junction,
and then pumps the treated water back to the toilets for reuse. State
officials said the system, called a living machine, not only advanced
so-called green construction, but also allowed the rest area to stay
open and the country's first Vietnam veterans memorial, erected in 1982,
to remain at the site






Kelpie Wilson | America's Tsunami
The scientific record shows that hurricanes come in cycles and scientists say
you can't tell whether a particular hurricane is the result of global warming,
although higher temperatures are a definite cause of more intense and violent

Floods Ravage New Orleans
Two levees burst Tuesday, flooding the city of New Orleans in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, which had already leveled much of the Gulf Coast from
Louisiana to Alabama in one of the nation's worst natural disasters.

Crude Oil Rises to Record after Hurricane Damages Platforms
Crude oil rose to a record for a second day after Hurricane Katrina shut about
92 percent of production in the Gulf of Mexico.

Bush Gives New Reason for Iraq War

By Jennifer Loven
The Associated Press

Wednesday 31 August 2005

Says US must prevent oil fields from falling into hands of terrorists.

Coronado, California - President Bush answered growing antiwar protests yesterday with a fresh reason for US troops to continue fighting in Iraq: protection of the country's vast oil fields, which he said would otherwise fall under the control of terrorist extremists.

The president, standing against a backdrop of the USS Ronald Reagan, the newest aircraft carrier in the Navy's fleet, said terrorists would be denied their goal of making Iraq a base from which to recruit followers, train them, and finance attacks.

"We will defeat the terrorists," Bush said. "We will build a free Iraq that will fight terrorists instead of giving them aid and sanctuary."

Appearing at Naval Air Station North Island to commemorate the anniversary of the Allies' World War II victory over Japan, Bush compared his resolve to President Franklin D. Roosevelt's in the 1940s and said America's mission in Iraq is to turn it into a democratic ally just as the United States did with Japan after its 1945 surrender. Bush's V-J Day ceremony did not fall on the actual anniversary. Japan announced its surrender on Aug. 15, 1945 - Aug. 14 in the United States because of the time difference.

Democrats said Bush's leadership falls far short of Roosevelt's.

"Democratic Presidents Roosevelt and Truman led America to victory in World War II because they laid out a clear plan for success to the American people, America's allies, and America's troops," said Howard Dean, Democratic Party chairman. "President Bush has failed to put together a plan, so despite the bravery and sacrifice of our troops, we are not making the progress that we should be in Iraq. The troops, our allies, and the American people deserve better leadership from our commander in chief."

The speech was Bush's third in just over a week defending his Iraq policies, as the White House scrambles to counter growing public concern about the war. But the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf Coast drew attention away; the White House announced during the president's remarks that he was cutting his August vacation short to return to Washington, D.C., to oversee the federal response effort.

After the speech, Bush hurried back to Texas ahead of schedule to prepare to fly back to the nation's capital today. He was to return to the White House on Friday, after spending more than four weeks operating from his ranch in Crawford.

Bush's August break has been marked by problems in Iraq.

It has been an especially deadly month there for US troops, with the number of those who have died since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003 now nearing 1,900.

The growing death toll has become a regular feature of the slightly larger protests that Bush now encounters everywhere he goes - a movement boosted by a vigil set up in a field down the road from the president's ranch by a mother grieving the loss of her soldier son in Iraq.

Cindy Sheehan arrived in Crawford only days after Bush did, asking for a meeting so he could explain why her son and others are dying in Iraq. The White House refused, and Sheehan's camp turned into a hub of activity for hundreds of activists around the country demanding that troops be brought home.

This week, the administration also had to defend the proposed constitution produced in Iraq at US urging. Critics fear the impact of its rejection by many Sunnis, and say it fails to protect religious freedom and women's rights.

At the naval base, Bush declared, "We will not rest until victory is America's and our freedom is secure" from Al Qaeda and its forces in Iraq led by Abu Musab al Zarqawi.

"If Zarqawi and [Osama] bin Laden gain control of Iraq, they would create a new training ground for future terrorist attacks," Bush said. "They'd seize oil fields to fund their ambitions. They could recruit more terrorists by claiming a historic victory over the United States and our coalition."