Saturday, July 23, 2005


Like many people, when I think about the ocean, I think of majestic creatures like whales and dolphins. But today, I'm writing you about a tiny fish called the menhaden. Why? Because in our oceans, even the tiniest of creatures plays a critical role.

The menhaden may be a tiny fish, but it once existed in massive numbers, and it has been the basis of a food chain that leads all the way up to the majestic whale. After decades of decline, menhaden populations are at record lows - we must act now before they disappear altogether.

Take Action >> Put a stop to Omega's rotten fishing practices.

One company is responsible for putting the entire food chain at risk: Omega Protein. Omega's state-of-the-art factory ships locate and catch such large quantities of the tiny menhaden, that the impacts are being felt throughout the entire ecosystem.

That's why Greenpeace is launching a new campaign this summer, and I need your help in our fight against Omega.

The menhaden is a tiny example of an enormous problem. It's time to stop letting corporate giants like Omega decide the future of our oceans. If we don't stop unsustainable fishing now, all of our ocean's creatures could face the same fate as the menhaden.

Thank you,

John Hocevar
Ocean Campaign Coordinator

P.S. I promise, I'll be in touch with you throughout the summer, to let you know what is happening in the Chesapeake Bay. Greenpeace is going to cause a big stink over this little fish, and I want you to be the first to know what we're up to.



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