Saturday, July 23, 2005


Take a Stand for the Constitution and Oppose the Flag Amendment

Rather than properly armoring troop vehicles in Iraq and giving veterans the health care they deserve, Congress is again considering a constitutional amendment to allow the government to make it a crime to “desecrate” the flag. For the first time, however, unless the ACLU and its supporters really pull out all the stops, it will pass.

The ACLU—and you—are really the only things standing in the way of this constitutional amendment.

The amendment is now within one or two votes of passing the Senate, which will consider the measure before it breaks for the August recess. More than ever before, we need your help to keep this from happening. And, this week senators are being bombarded from groups like Citizens Flag Alliance who are in a full-court press to pass this misguided amendment.

Take action today and urge your senators to take a stand for the Constitution and to vote "no" on this dangerous amendment.

Those who want to limit free speech argue that this is a debate about patriotism. Do it for the troops, they urge.

But hundreds of veterans, from every military engagement of the past 80 years, have joined with the ACLU in calling on Congress to reject this amendment. They know they fought not for a banner of cloth and thread. They fought for an idea. They fought for the principles in our Constitution, and they fought to protect those values for all of us.

Congress is playing fast and loose with the Constitution, and the flag amendment is just the first step. Don’t like the latest court rulings on marriage for same sex couples? Amend the Constitution. Don’t like Supreme Court decisions on school prayer and posting of the Ten Commandments? Amend the Constitution. This is a dangerous trend that can only be stopped if people like you stand up for the Constitution.

You can do so today by helping us stop the flag amendment from passing in the Senate. The amendment narrowly passed the House of Representatives last month. And now only a courageous group of senators stand in the way of this amendment going to the states for ratification. This year the political dynamic in the Senate has worsened. The vote will be closer than ever, but with your help we can defeat this amendment once again.

Take action now and tell Congress that the flag amendment would betray every principle that the flag itself represents.

July 19, 2005

Patriot Act Update: House Vote Likely This Week!

The House of Representatives will likely vote this week on a bill to reauthorize the expiring sections of the Patriot Act. Even though Congress still has six months to deliberate before these sections expire, some lawmakers are looking to rush the bill through now to stifle dissent and debate -- just as they did in 2001 with the original passage of the Patriot Act.

This must not be allowed to happen. Congress went too far, too fast the last time around. It has a chance now to fix the Patriot Act, and to keep our personal records free from unwarranted federal scrutiny and our homes free of secret searches.

Urge your representative to vote "no" on the Patriot Act renewal bill. This really is zero hour in the House. Your help is needed now.

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