Saturday, July 09, 2005

Congressman John Conyers, Jr.

Dear Friend:
I am writing to update you on the latest developments regarding the Downing Street Minutes and to announce the re-launch of my blog.

New Blog Format

Due to a few posters that have been writing inappropriate and offensive content on my blog, I restricted the comments feature for the past week and a half until administrative changes could be made. The new format will require a simple registration for those wishing to post comments. This will allow us to ban users who choose not to communicate responsibly in this space.I have been eagerly looking forward to restoring the comments function. Communicating directly with visitors to my blog is one of the best ways that we can address issues of national importance together.Come back to and share your thoughts and concerns with me.

Downing Street Minutes Town Hall Meeting and House Parties

Some of you may have noted that the Washington Post gave the Downing Street Minutes front page coverage in its Tuesday edition. By joining 560,000 others in signing the letter to the president, you are directly responsible for helping to raise the profile of this issue and force the mainstream media to cover it. We are still collecting more signatures for a second delivery to the White House. Click here for the link to the letter.

We still have much more to do to make President Bush answer the questions raised by the Downing Street Minutes. July 23rd is the three-year anniversary of this memo. A number of my colleagues in Congress will join me on this date to host town hall meetings across the country to update our constituents on the Downing Street Minutes and what they reveal about the lead-up to war.We will also be organizing house parties in conjunction with the events of July 23rd. For those participating, I plan to host a conference call featuring a special guest. If you are interested in hosting a house party or attending one in your area, click here to signup.

Recent Downing Street Minutes Media Coverage

Washington Post Front Page DSM Article, 6/28

Interviews I gave Wednesday on KPFK Radio, and The Tony Show

The transcript of the Downing Street Minutes Hearing is now available in searchable pdf format

Please forward this email to friends that need to know more about issue.

Visit my website at to learn more about our work and how you can help on this issue of vital constitutional importance.

Congressman John Conyers, Jr.


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