Saturday, July 09, 2005

The ACLU and Working Assets are joining together to ask for your help protecting the American legacy of liberty and privacy.

MY.........MY............MY...........How time flies when you're having such a good time!!!!!!!!!!! ........LOL.........LOL...............LOL

Anyway, once again it's been a week since I 've had an opportunity to post to this blog. I've got quite a backlog of items to post so there will be a flurry of activity over the weekend as I try and clear my miniscule portion of cyber space.

My camapign is starting to heat up as I join with others members on "The Restoratioon Slate" as we bid for the leadership of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. More info specific to that is available at my campaign blog

Much has happened in this past week with the London bombings and the expected spin from BushCo and Blair. I've recieved several interesting articles on that subject and will be posting them here.

Right now I have to ask you to please join me in signing this petition against the "Patriot Act". Remeber what Thomas Jefferson said, "Dissent is the most patriotic thing that you can do!".
Be PATRIOTIC Today and sign this petition from the ACLU. Thanks..........PEACE.......Scott

The ACLU and Working Assets are joining together to ask for your help protecting the American legacy of liberty and privacy.

Sign the petition now!

Decisive House and Senate votes on the USA Patriot Act are right around the corner. For nearly four years, our government has claimed extraordinary powers that challenge our most fundamental principles of democracy. The Patriot Act was passed in the weeks immediately following September 11th, with the understanding that certain of these powers -- including several of the most controversial -- would only be temporary.

However, the Bush Administration and some leaders in Congress now want to make these powers permanent, and are even pressing for further expansions to this assault on our fundamental freedoms.

But there is good news: Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and liberal and conservative opinion leaders, are speaking out against the most extreme provisions of the Patriot Act. That is why the ACLU and Working Assets have joined together to ask liberty-loving people across America to add their names to a bipartisan petition urging Congress to bring the Patriot Act in line with the Constitution. Our goal is to collect 100,000 signatures by July 20th so we can deliver them to Congress as this crucial debate over our freedoms heats up.

The flawed provisions of the Patriot Act threaten your basic constitutional freedoms by giving the government the power to access your medical records, your tax records, and information about the books you buy or borrow, all without probable cause or any facts connecting you to a foreign terrorist. The Patriot Act also gives the government the power to obtain a special "sneak and peek" search warrant to break into your home and conduct secret searches without telling you for weeks, months or indefinitely, and without any connection to terrorism at all.

The Patriot Act needs to be reformed, not expanded. Now is the time to join the nation-wide movement and make your voice heard.

Tell Congress that the Patriot Act should not be made permanent, let alone expanded.


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