Sunday, May 01, 2005



JIM LEFTWICH, MD - I have reached a turning point. I propose that we declare this year's Summer Solstice, Tuesday June 21, 2005, to be Moving Day. Whereupon longtime Democrats such as myself, on one day and en masse, move to a party that has the set of values and principles that the Democrat party not only used to stand for, but used to successfully fight for, both on the legislative floor and in the hearts and minds of the American people.
It is time that we joined the Green party, bringing to it the sheer numbers of people it now lacks to wield significant political power, and begin the long journey of creating a world that will be better and sustainable for generations hence.
I am the product of generations of proud and believing Democrats. I have never been a hardcore political activist, nor a marching protestor against things my government has done that I vehemently disagreed with. I have believed in the traditional values of the Democrat party that my father and his father believed in. I have believed in the progressive path. The defense of the common man and small businessperson upon which this country was built and has endured for over two centuries. I have fought against attempts to split our party, and have held fast through the last two national election cycles, hoping against hope that true leadership and a compelling and simply-stated set of principles would emerge.
I cannot begin to describe the deep sadness I have when I think of what the Democrat party has lost. but have now, as a single individual, come to the conclusion that the Democrat party is a failed and ruined institution. It is truly, and fundamentally, time to move on.
I am by no means the first person to arrive at this point, but I believe I am exemplary of a particular type of Democrat. A dyed-in-the-wool Democrat that until now has vowed to hang on for as long as it takes. I now feel that that strategy is doomed. And our country with it, if a major and significant shift does not occur, and occur very quickly. In the present political environment, time is definitely not on our side if we continue on our current path. . .
I hold no ill feelings toward the Democrats. I believe there have been many decent, thoughtful, and hardworking Democrats, doing their best to hold the line against an increasingly leveraged Republican message. But I no longer believe the Democrat party can produce the message that will attract back all those that have abandoned it for the false promises of the far right.
I believe that we must abandon a party that can only manage, at its best, to offer up a weak and reactionary protest after the fact. That is not enough to save this country. We need a new model. That model, that set of values, that truly and deeply progressive and whole vision already exists. It can be found in the Green party.



JOHN MCCASLIN, WASHINGTON TIMES - James Fowler, a professor of political science at the University of California at Davis (his doctorate is from Harvard), has just presented an intriguing paper at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association titled 'Who is the Best Connected Congressperson' "I show in the paper that my method of determining these rankings is a very good predictor of legislative performance," Mr. Fowler tells Inside the Beltway. 'Specifically, higher-ranked individuals tend to be much more successful at getting their own amendments passed on the floor.' Here then, in order, is the list of most 'connected' legislators in the 108th Congress: Top 5 senators: Republican John McCain of Arizona; Republican Orrin G. Hatch of Utah; Democrat Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico; Republican Charles E. Grassley of Iowa; and Democrat Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin. Top 5 congressmen: Republican H. James Saxton of New Jersey; Republican Ron Paul of Texas; Republican Christopher H. Smith of New Jersey; Democrat Juanita Millender-McDonald of California; Democrat Charles B. Rangel.


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