Friday, April 29, 2005


This is a letter that I wrote to the two congressmen who split Thurston Co., Wa. We need to continue to monitor our congressional leaders and let them know what they need to do in order to truly represent us. If they don't hear from us then they will have to make decisions on their own and we may not agree with them. Just recently we were able to get Adam Smith to reverse his position on the Banckruptcy Act, unfortunately we let Brian Baird slip through the cracks and he voted for it. Some people may feel that their representatives don't listen to them, but when enough of us speak out they do listen.................Thanks.......................Scott

Dear Congressman Baird & Congressman Smith,

Now is not the time to ride the fence and let the Republicans continue to control the debate and define what values are important to the American people. When asked the question if you supported Tom DeLay in regards to his ethics neither of you took a stand. What does that say to your constituents? What does that say about how you feel concerning the ethical conduct of your fellow members of congress? These are questions that will be asked by members of your respective districts. What will your answer to them be??????????????
Not taking a stand is tantamount to concurrence with his actions. Is this really the message we want to send out? Democrats are in need of re-defining ourselves and when our congressional members let such behavior as displayed by DeLay and Co. go by without comment then that is a definition in and of itself. We need congressional leaders who will stand up for Democratic principles and values and frame a definition of our party that fits with basic American ideals. When are we going to learn that political expediency will be the death of our party? When are we going to realize that Republicans are framing the definition of our party and we’re letting them do it? We are letting them do it by not defining it ourselves.
Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? 24 were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners: men of means, well educated, but they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full and well that the penalty would be death if they were captured. They signed and pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Not a single one of them would have hesitated to stand up and tell Tom DeLay to cease and desist his unpatriotic and despicable behavior.
Do either of you feel that you can truly walk the path that these brave souls laid down when you can’t take a stand against the unethical actions of Tom DeLay? When are Democrats going to reclaim the heritage of our party. Thomas Jefferson said “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism” Now is the time for our Democratic legislators to call Republicans on every underhanded and unethical move that they make. Just because they have a majority in the House and Senate doesn’t mean that they can disregard the protocols of government. We need to remind them that patriotism is not the exclusive property of the Republican Party.
Ethics and personal honor are true American values and we must be willing to stand by them. This will be the redemption and re-definition of the Democratic Party. Tell your constituents, your fellow congressional members and the American people that Democrats will not tolerate such behavior from their leaders and that you will do everything in your power to remove Tom DeLay from the House. Thank you.


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