Monday, June 13, 2005


This was originally posted on the DFW (Democracy for Washington) list by a friend of mine. I hope everyone will take the time to sign this petition. Howard Dean is doing his job and doing it right or they wouldn't be so pissed off. Keep up the good work Howard.............Scott

Over on dKos, long time DFAer, Renee in OH, posted a diary titled "Howard Dean Speaks for Me".....Riddle me this--why is it that Democrats are so quick to announce that Howard Dean, Democratic party chair, "does not speak for the party"? Edwards said it, Biden said it, and probably any number of others if I could bear to slog through all of those articles. I'm having primary flashbacks from '03-04'. I agree with the person in Springdale, MD who wrote to Senator Biden, "Howard Dean speaks for me. I'd like for you to begin speaking for me also, if at all possible. It would be a welcomed change." ....

Now a petition to the Democratic members of Congress has sprung up

stating "Howard Dean Speaks for Me" and asking them to speak up for us too. I know a some people have mixed feelings about Howard's recent comments about Republicans. Just as during his Presidential campaign, sometimes his comments have been reported out of context and other times not. When he stated that the Republican Party was that of White Christians, he's was telling the truth. "A recent CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found 82 percent of Republicans identify themselves as white Christians, while 57 percent of Democrats said the same."

I'm sure everyone has seen the inaacurate media articles claiming that Howard Dean is not doing poor job of fundraising. As noted by Media Matters

"...Dean's fund-raising efforts have surpassed those of his predecessor." That said, a lot of blogs and DFA people are now setting up sites for people to donate to the DNC using the same strategy as in the Dean Presidential campaign--when the media blasts Dean, donate money! Over on Atrios they just raised $46K for the DNC. People can donate directly to the DNC using this link

or set up an e-patriots web page to gather donations...

We saw the result of the grassroots organized small donation blitz right after Gov. Dean was elected DNC Chair when $3.4 million was raised (which was the most amount of $$ ever contributed to the DNC in a short period of time without the DNC doing a solititation). I think the time has come to do it again. DFA people, if they want the recognition, can end their donations in 3.32 (D, F, and A on the keypad of a telephone), the DNC knows what it means.


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